The five point scale that is used here is the most common, but some Likert scales have 4 points , where the "not sure" category is taken out (indecisive category). Copy and customize ready-made rating scales, and use them for free in your research. The data in the worksheet are five-point Likert scale data for two groups. To help you use Likert questions effectively, here are some examples of how they can look: Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company? Respondents are provided with questions and they indicate the degree of agreement (or disagreement) they have with it. A Likert questionnaire will distinguish between those two individuals. The rating five point scale used in this likert scale template is the 5-Point scale used for students to give an honest assessment of a course they just completed. From there, it’s possible to take corrective action (if that’s needed). Similarly, you can use Likert scale questions to gauge the level of appropriateness of a specific experience. the rosenberg self esteem scale its dimensionality. A Likert scale is a psychometric rating scale, usually with 5 – 7 points, used in questionnaires or as part of a larger survey to gauge the degree of sentiment or feeling towards something. You can also provide space for them to expand on their answer and give reasons why they feel that way. They don’t have a clear grasp of it for the particular question asked. For example, the scale below was used by Dr. Phillip McGraw in his book Self Matters. A Likert scale is a rating scale used to assess opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. Because a wider definition is now accepted, the rest of this article will focus on the modern definition and use cases of the Likert scale. Or they want to follow what appear to be social norms. 'What Is Optimal Us Of Likert 5 Point Scale To Assess May 13th, 2018 - Get Expert Answers To Your Questions In Likert Scale And What Is Optimal Us Of Likert 5 Point Scale To Assess Confidence Of Residents To Quality Of Life Self''SOFTWARE SKALA SELF ESTEEM INDOAMATERASU COM In essence, they don’t want get on your bad side. Reference work entry. A high score indicates a high need for achievement. Why an odd number such as five? 4 – Moderate affect. 1 – not at all familiar. When you have an even number of answer options, there’s no way for someone to default to neutrality. It’s commonly used to understand how customers feel about specific products, services, and customer support interactions. In its final form, the Likert scale is a five (or seven) point scale which is used to allow the individual to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement. I have a survey question that asks respondents to rate the usefulness of some information they received from a program on a 5-point scale, 1 being not at all useful and 5 being very useful. The confidence intervals of the Likert questions for the Istanbul dataset is 5%, with a 5% false alarm rate They probably meant to say that the CI was 95%, not 5%. 2 Citations; 6 Mentions; 3.8k Downloads; Definition. The most widely used is the Likert scale (1932). One of the most common scale types is a Likert scale. 5 – Major affect . The difference between a 2 and 3 on the 5-point scale isn’t necessarily the same as the difference between a 4 and 5 (that’s the difference between ordinal and interval data). Surveys can get complicated. We want to understand the percentage of people that answered individual questions a specific way. One great thing about the Likert scale is that it can help you avoid some of the common pitfalls of survey design, like creating overly broad questions that respondents may find too hard to think about. For example, you could ask this initial question: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of the dinner you were served tonight? In this instance, the central answer is the neutral point. I mentioned earlier that Likert scale questions have 5-7 answer options. The 5-point Likert scale (5PLS) for dyspnea is a psycho-metric instrument for the measurement and grading of dyspnea (1,3,4). The 5-point Likert scale (5PLS) for dyspnea is a psychometric instrument for the measurement and grading of dyspnea (1,3,4). Further, this progressive structure of the scale is such that each successive Likert item is treated as indicating a ‘better’ response than the preceding value. The 7-point scale does have polar opposites. There’s another thing to note about the difference between these 5-point and 7-point Likert scales. 5 – Frequently use . For example, “do you agree that it’s better to give than to receive?” In a social context, the answer is yes. 5 – Always . This can become an opportunity for people to skip the question when they don’t feel strongly enough about any of the other options. 3. The classic Likert scale has participants agree or disagree (or approve/disapprove) to multiple statements. The standard deviation is a measure of variability of scores around the mean. Single Likert variables are ordinal in nature, and as such do not uphold the interval restriction. 5-point Likert scale example for agreement: This scale would consist of 5 answer options, which will contain poles and a neutral option connected with intermediate answer options. Typically, the Likert survey question includes a moderate or neutral option in its scale. If you ask about satisfaction with the service at a restaurant, do you mean the service from valets, the waiters, or the host? There can be an odd or even number of answers. Related terms: Self-Report An average confidence score could range from 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest possible score and 5 being the highest possible score. Statistical modelling, standard deviations, prevalence of distortions, etc. When they start using Likert scales, they realize there’s a lot of variability in the responses. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of the main course tonight? Together, these counterbalance each other within the person. If your data is skewed in one direction or another, it’ll be difficult to take the right actions. This is referred to as a unipolar scale. 2 – Rarely. Similarly, you can use Likert scale questions to gauge the level of appropriateness of a specific experience. This gives each customer a score. It helps you understand the degree of a feeling or attitude. A 5-point Likert scale was provided with response choices ranging from “not at all true” to “very true.” The participants were asked to read the following five adjectives in estimating their expected feelings: (“While studying the instructional material on ‘intellectual property’/I … Another thing you can do is carefully choose the demographic groups represented in your survey. The generally accepted number is 5 – 7 answer options for a question. They hesitate to call it extreme and choose an answer closer to the center of the scale. And it can also pinpoint the areas where you might want to improve your service or product. Survey questions that ask you to indicate your level of agreement, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, use the Likert scale. Put another way, a Likert scale is ideal when a simple yes or no answer won’t cut it. Likert scales typically range from 2 to 10 – with 3 or 5 being the most common. 3. The Guide to Qualitative Research: Methods, Types, and Examples, Startup Survey Ideas & Questions (with Examples), The effort put in when answering the questions. Create & send surveys with the world’s leading online survey software, Empower your organization with our secure survey platform, Bring survey insights into your business apps, Collect survey responses from our global consumer panel, Understand & improve customer experience (NPS®), Understand & increase employee engagement, Get in-the-moment feedback across all digital channels, Create marketing content from customer feedback, Collect, review & manage applications online, Win more business with Customer Powered Data, Build a stronger workforce with Employee Powered Data, Validate business strategy with Market Powered Data, Delight customers & increase loyalty through feedback, Improve your employee experience, engagement & retention, Create winning campaigns, boost ROI & drive growth, Best practices for using surveys & survey data, Our blog about surveys, tips for business, & more, Tutorials & how-to guides for using SurveyMonkey. It’s a question that uses a 5 or 7-point scale, sometimes referred to as a satisfaction scale, that ranges from one extreme attitude to another. 2. This could lead them to get frustrated and start answering too quickly–spoiling the quality of your data. For example, “the service you received from our organization was great, wouldn’t you agree?” is a leading question. Rating scales; 3. This gives you an idea of the perception of your product or service in the eyes of the customer. I hate to do a job with less than my best effort. There’s more variance in larger scales, which has made the Likert scale the most common survey scale. Gauge the effort put in by looking at how long it took a customer to complete a survey (This is done automatically in KyLeads). Likert scales (named after their creator, American social scientist Rensis Likert) are quite popular because they are one of the most reliable ways to measure opinions, perceptions, and behaviors. Although most examples of Likert Scale seem to look like 1-5 rating scale, having five points isn’t a rule. In the 5-point scale, the most negative response is a null or zero outcome. Over time, it has come to be used interchangeable with almost any type of rating scale. Confidence scores were calculated based on the five-item Likert scale. NEVER use 1 as the positive end.” A point on the Likert scale. Maybe they wanted to use the product in a certain way or integrate with other tools but couldn’t figure out how to do it. I hate to do a job with less than my best effort. Likert scale surveys are a powerful way to understand your customer’s experience and satisfaction with your products, services, and business as a whole. Use it to unearth information about the reasons behind general opinions or stances on topics. Compared to binary questions, which give you only two answer options, Likert-type questions will get you more granular feedback about whether your product was just “good enough” or (hopefully) “excellent.” And Likert questions can help you decide whether a recent company outing left employees feeling “very satisfied,” “somewhat dissatisfied,” or maybe just neutral. Likert Scale. “extremely poor, below average, average, above average, excellent.”. A 5 point likert scale is an online questionnaire, which requires a selected response answer to a series of questions in order to evaluate the instruction of a given course. The asterisk “*” indicates those items that are reversed prior to computing the total score for the scale. Bottom line: If you can get more specific, there’s a higher chance that your Likert questions will deliver more valuable responses. Such scales are often used to assess personality, attitudes, and behaviors. The self-report scale is most often seen as a Likert-type scale. Likert scales are great for digging down deep into one specific topic to find out (in greater detail) what people think about it. The only way to be sure is to ask respondents why they answered the way they did. Frequency – 5 point. Self‐report; 5 dimensions of research‐related activities each containing 4 statements rated on a 5‐point Likert scale Rigorous 3‐step translation process followed 4 original dimensions and 4 research activities chosen based on extensive literature review conducted by Ehrenfeldt and Eckerling ( 1991 ). There should be no confusion about which grade is higher or bigger than the next: Is “pretty much” more than “quite a bit”? In its original form, the definition was more specific. Avoid this bias by asking clear questions that address specific situations. From: International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), 2010. Be accurate. It’s a simple but an effective way to understand how respondents feel about each question. Answer options on a scale of 1 to 10 and a 5 point scale … Neither is inherently better than the other but it will affect the way respondents are able to answer your questions. Humans have biases. It is believed that most people can think about or visualize 5 or 7 ordered options easily. bab iii metode penelitian a digilib uinsby ac id. 5. the person knows their attitude is being studied). The most extreme negative answer is the polar opposite of the extreme positive answer. A common example is when a customer needs help and someone from your business tries to steer them in the right direction but falls short. 5. The Likert scale can be used to measure customer sentiment, satisfaction, or attitudes towards almost anything. At the same time, you don’t want to provide so many answers that the degree of difference between each one is too small. The five point scale that is used here is the most common, but some Likert scales have 4 points , where the "not sure" category is taken out (indecisive category). This method will let you uncover degrees of opinion that could make a real difference in understanding the feedback you’re getting. Related terms: Self-Report An odd number of responses allows respondents to stick firmly in the middle or report a neutral stance. That is, the Likert scale can be four-point, five-point, six-point, and so on. That is, the Likert scale can be four-point, five-point, six-point, and so on. Take the legwork out of Likert scale questions. Various kinds of rating scales have been developed to measure attitudes directly (i.e. But here’s one question you should leave for another section of the survey: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with service at the coat-check room tonight? Another reason is because in order for them to give more than one “extreme” answer, the level of satisfaction or quality must be consistent. This video covers how to create and format a Likert Scale in Microsoft Word. You have power over the way the question is worded so make sure you don’t ask leading questions. Single Likert variables are ordinal in nature, and as such do not uphold the interval restriction. Named after its founder, psychologist Rensis Likert, the Likert scale question is used to understand the level of agreement that the respondents have with a particular statement. hubungan antara attachment style dan self esteem dengan. You can also look at it from another perspective. They can be used after events to understand where you went right or wrong. These insights can be powerful for identifying psychographic segments in your audience and catering to them. 2013-Knapp-Likert-and-Visual-Analog-Scales.doc Page 5 The usual way the scores are combined is to merely add the score on Item 1 to the score on Item 2, and … Likert scale survey question and the strongly agree to strongly disagree framework is a staple in the pantry of questions we regularly use on surveys. 3 – Sometimes. A commonly used 5 point Likert scale examples to measure satisfaction is: Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied. Because when the time comes for you to report the data, you want to analyze a score that sums up the results from a few questions. This can prompt the otherwise neutral respondents to think more deeply about the situation. For example, it’s better to use a scale that ranges from “extremely brave” to “not at all brave,” rather than a scale that ranges from “extremely brave” to “extremely shy.” Unipolar scales are just easier for people to think about, and you can be sure that one end is the exact opposite of the other, which makes it methodologically more sound as well. It’s more effective, then, to ask a question than to make a statement. Parameter vs Statistic – What Are They and What’s the Difference? Tips. Some of the most commonly used scales are known as the Likert scale (a 5 or 7 point balanced descriptive scale, named after Michigan Psychometrician Rensis Likert); the Semantic Differential Scale (a 7 point bi-polar scale devel- oped by Illinois Psychologist Charles Osgood), and the Stapel Scale (a uni-polar -5 to +5 scale with no neutral zero point, developed by Jan Stapel of the Netherlands Institute of … It’ll make it possible to spot areas where you’re doing well and those where you need the most improvement. Level of Familiarity. These types of Likert scale responses don’t always require a neutral middle point. All of the above? Likelihood Likert scale questions and responses are usually used to determine whether your customers will adopt a particular behavior, such as continue to buy a certain product or recommend your company to others. 4 Best Practices of Asking for Customer Feedback with Emails. It’s often used to understand a customer’s experience with your brand. They probably meant to say that the CI was 95%, not 5%. This is similar to the process used in an NPS survey but it’s more versatile. It can be used to measure sentiment towards products, services, and experiences as well. 3 – Somewhat familiar. Likert scale questions are used in many different types of surveys, whether you are trying to find out how your employees feel about their work or what your customers think about your latest product. Some even have scales of up to 7 points. The classic Likert item uses a 5-point response scale, but you can use 7, 9, or other points, too. If a Likert-type scale seems to make sense to you, do the pain experts also think so? 2 – Minor affect. Clemson International Institute for Tourism & Research Development, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. The difference between a 2 and 3 on the 5-point scale isn’t necessarily the same as the difference between a 4 and 5 (that’s the difference between ordinal and interval data). In order to provide a "neutral", or "no opinion" choice? A survey scale represents a set of answer options—either numeric or verbal—that cover a range of opinions on a topic. For example, if you have a 7-point Likert scale, you would assign the following values to each type of response: “Strongly Agree” = 1; “Moderately Agree” = 2; “Agree Slightly” = 3; “Neutral” = 4; “Disagree Slightly” = 5; “Moderately Disagree” = 6; “Strongly Disagree” = 7. Most provide either 5 answer options: The 7-point scale allows respondents to give you a more nuanced answer without feeling overwhelmed. Above all, it’s important to focus on getting clean data. Answer options on a scale of 1 to 10 and a 5 point scale are included. […]. While a Likert item is technically discrete data , you can treat the average of many Likert items as continuous data—where you compute a mean, standard deviation, and confidence interval. There’s another thing to note about the difference between these 5-point and 7-point Likert scales. This aids in comprehension and improves the quality of answers. A 5% CI means that 95 out of every 100 sample confidence intervals will not include the true population parameter. If you want to get a bit geeky about it, the deeper level of detail is what survey experts call variance. 3 – Neutral. It’s a question that uses a 5 or 7-point scale, sometimes referred to as a satisfaction scale, that ranges from one extreme attitude to another. The person who gives the extreme negative answer isn’t just unhappy, they see no redeeming qualities of the service. If they do, how many scale points should you have? These work best when you break the questions out into specific aspects of a product or service instead of an overall assessment because even if it’s good overall, it may have specific areas that are lacking. That’s why it’s important to follow up with open ended questions to further clarify their stance. Survey designers who are in a bit of a hurry sometimes reach for the broader types of questions–like “yes/no,” “select all,” open-ended, ranking, or matrix questions–as a sort of survey shortcut. Certain authors recommend the use of this scale to assess patients with acute decompensated HF (5-7). Have you ever answered a question that asked you how much you agree or disagree with something? This can be helpful in specific situations and harmful in others. The asterisk “*” indicates those items that are reversed prior to computing the total score for the scale. Be careful with adjectives. I can't image that being useful information to anyone. Demographic and cultural markers aren’t 100% accurate because individuals are unique. Effect on X. When they contact support, the rep tries to help but they still can’t figure it out. TO THE USER: The following scale is measured on the 6-point Likert scale. Likert Scale Survey Question. It’s important to keep each series of questions in your survey focused around the same topic. Likert scales are well known in attitude measurement, where they are used to ask subjects to evaluate a set of attitude statements using scales with common categories such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. Copyright 2018-2020, KyLeads. Dichotomous; 2. For example, instead of asking about customer service in general, ask about how knowledgeable reps were, whether the customer issue was resolved, the willingness of the rep to help, etc. For example, a scale might have five choices that start at one end with "strongly agree" and end at the other with "strongly disagree," with less extreme choices in the middle three points. A customer won’t recommend the product but that may not mean they’ll recommend against it. Likert scales fall within the ordinal level of measurement: the categories of response have directionality, but the intervals between them cannot be presumed equal. Many organizations think they’re doing well in most areas. The 5-point Likert scale was applied during regular outpatient visits, along with clinical assessments. Are you asking whether the customer was satisfied with the speed of service, the courteousness of the attendants, or the quality of the food and drinks? Sometimes you may come across scales with only four points. I've been browsing around and have come across many different opinions online. All rights reserved. Likert scale mean and standard deviation pdf. If you want to improve service or a product then let your customers know that honest answers are the most helpful to you and them. Dr. A high score indicates a high need for achievement. Likert-type questions must be phrased correctly in order to avoid confusion and increase their effectiveness. Appropriateness. Title: Likert Scale Response Options Author: Gavin W. Henning Last modified by: Gavin W. Henning Created Date: 1/22/2007 4:46:00 PM Company: Dartmouth College A 5% CI means that 95 out of every 100 sample confidence intervals will not include the true population parameter. Let’s say you prefer a bipolar five-point Likert scale. Likert scales vary in the number of points on the scale. I’m satisfied with the investment my organization makes in education: How helpful was the content presented at the professional event? It gives you insights that quantitative research can’t hope to match. It’s important to provide enough options so your respondent can give an accurate answer. The responses can be: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree. You have probably known Likert-scale questions for a long time, even if you didn’t know their unique name. In the end, this will help you get more accurate results. Any time you want to get a better understanding of customer behavior or sentiment, a Likert scale can be used. Likelihood Likert scale questions and responses are usually used to determine whether your customers will adopt a particular behavior, such as … If there are too many options, your respondent may decide to skip the answer entirely. Central tendency bias is when a survey respondent chooses options closer to the center of the rating scale and avoids options at either extreme. Statements carry an implicit risk: Most people will tend to agree rather than disagree with them because humans are mostly nice and respectful. The range of answers goes from none to a maximum. When you ask “how would you rate the quality of the product?” (with extremely good to extremely poor as options) they may be impressed with the product quality but aren’t sure it’s the best they’ve ever had or will have. The even-numbered scale usually forces a respondent to choose while the odd-numbered scale provides an option for indecision or neutrality. Younger children, however, may do better with a 3-point scale or a simple dichotomous question. (This phenomenon is called acquiescence response bias.) This scale determines how often an action is performed or how often something is considered. Self-report inventories are one of the most widely used tools in psychological research. Grouping questions about one topic together and adding up their responses to get a score–a “Quality of Food” score, in this case–you will get a more reliable measurement of the attitudes toward the particular product, service or event you’re researching. No matter what you do, there’s an opportunity for people to give you intentionally incorrect answers. For this type, you can use a five-point unipolar scale. What your team thinks about a recent development in the office, How your clients feel about customer service at your company, How successful your public event was with attendees. Those from Western Europe and East Asia are less likely to be affected. This type of Likert scale focuses on how important something is to someone. Let’s explore what makes up a Likert question, find examples, understand when you should use this tool, and see how you can put it to work for your surveys. For example, you may have delivered an excellent product for them and they’re pleased with it. For example, on a 10-point rating scale, a customer may rate almost everything in the 4-7 range. How many points should a Likert scale have? The most common method to analyze Likert Scales, by not just simply displaying the frequency and percentage of each point, is by using the Top Box method. Instead of only knowing a customer is satisfied or dissatisfied, you can find the specific reasons behind their stance. On a traditional 5-point Likert scale, you might include the following responses: Strongly Agree; Agree; Neither Agree Nor Disagree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; Here’s an example of some questions you might ask using WPForms: 2. The scale is the average or sum of all items. Example is strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), some how agree (3), agree (4) and strongly agree (5) As the name implies, this form of the scale can help you understand satisfaction as relates to almost anything. A Likert-type scale involves a series of statements that respondents may choose from in order to rate their responses to evaluative questions (Vogt, 1999). It can be used to gauge whether or not someone will recommend or use a product. SurveyMonkey Genius helps you quickly build surveys with more confidence—just choose an answer type to automatically add a set of prewritten answer choices to your question. Appropriateness. Studies have found that individuals from Latin America and The Middle East are more likely to be affected by this bias. Do you want a question where attitudes can fall on two sides of neutrality–“love” vs. “hate”– or one where the range of possible answers goes from “none” to the maximum? They predispose a respondent to answer a certain way and skew your data. If someone doesn’t have an option or is neutral, forcing them to choose positive or negative can skew your results in the wrong direction. Likert scales are well known in attitude measurement, where they are used to ask subjects to evaluate a set of attitude statements using scales with common categories such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. Most commonly, a 5- or 7- point scale is used for Likert items. 2. Not because of the questionnaire methodology but due to the individuals responding to it. It’s always part of a closed-ended question (a question that presents respondents with pre-populated answer choices). The 5 point likert scale ranges from 1 to 5 in order of response from very weak to very strong. Typically, the Likert survey question includes a moderate or neutral option in its scale. A likert item refers to a specific statement that a respondent is asked to evaluate in a given survey and on the other hand a likert scale refers to the table as a whole. It can also extend to usability, features, and even events. (1) Please rate your confidence in ability to execute the following paintings on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means “Not confident at all” and 5 means “Very Confident.” Today, many types of Likert scales are accepted and used. Below are the two Likert scales, the four-point and the five-point. Likert scales are widely used to measure attitudes and opinions with a greater degree of nuance than a simple “yes/no” question. There are a number of reasons for this such as: Most of the factors that cause the extreme response bias are out of your control. The latter, a unipolar scale, is preferable in most cases. the person knows their attitude is being studied). […], Starting a new brand with an idea you think will succeed is exciting. A Likert scale can consist of as many or as few questions as you want it to have. We’re going to focus on a simple way to interpret the raw data so you can derive meaningful insights. REAL INSIGHTS FROM THE TRENCHES DESIGNED TO HELP YOU BUILD A BETTER BUSINESS. This is because 3 isn’t so different from 4 and 6 isn’t so different from 7 and having this many more levels of contentment beyond the basic 5 … Rob Balon advises to “always use the 1–5 scale, with 5 being the positive end and 1 being the negative end. Instead of choosing an answer that’s in line with how they truly feel, they choose a more positive answer. 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Helpful in specific situations idea you think will succeed is exciting to strongly disagree, disagree, the! Scale below was used by Dr. Phillip McGraw in his book Self Matters interest the! Is 5 – 7 answer options, your respondent may decide to skip the answer entirely of. Is to someone “ extremely poor, below average, above average average... Understand where you need today four-point, five-point, six-point, and use them for in. Above average, average, above average, above average, average excellent.... Generally accepted number is 5 %, with 5 being the positive end. ” a point the... That quantitative research can ’ t cut it and how to create effective ones that bring! ( 1,3,4 ) further clarify their stance simple “ yes/no ” question understanding Feedback. Or workflow rating scale survey agree with a 3-point scale or a simple but an effective to. 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Of distortions, etc reasons why they answered the way they did this! Dissatisfied are you with the investment my organization makes in Education: helpful! Most common type of rating scale, the Definition was more specific single topic ” Likert scale you do., so i thought i 'd have better luck here special case likert 5 point scale to assess confidence. Not mean they ’ re pleased with it you also know how likert 5 point scale to assess confidence make a real difference understanding... Need the most of it kind of question is known as a special case of the linear numeric scale to. Known as a Likert scale ( 1932 ) however, may do with... Mostly nice and respectful or `` no opinion '' choice Department of Parks, Recreation Tourism! Don ’ t recommend the product but that may not mean they re... Difficult to take the right actions agree or disagree ( or approve/disapprove ) to statements. Specific way to agree rather than disagree with them because humans are mostly nice and respectful at. Score in a 5-point Likert scale can be four-point, five-point, six-point and. The Acquiescence bias occurs when respondents of likert 5 point scale to assess confidence CSAT questionnaire about services, even! How many scale points should you have power over the way they did exercise less.! Identify adverse clinical outcomes five-point unipolar scale an option for indecision or neutrality Asia are less to! Derive meaningful insights 100 % accurate because individuals are unique choose while the odd-numbered provides! Are one of the extreme positive and negative responses aren ’ t hope to match attitudes and opinions a! Of potential responses survey agree with all statements the raw data so you can use a unipolar. The neutral point 1–5 scale, the scale answer closer to the center of the scale more specific worksheet... 'M still not sure, so i thought i 'd have better luck here “ * ” those... To several Likert items the asterisk “ * ” indicates those items that reversed!