Soc. Rev. In: W.B. Warr: Organization of olivocochlear efferent systems in mammals. D. Robertson, P.M. Sellick, R. Patuzzi: The continuing search for outer hair cell afferents in the guinea pig spiral ganglion, Hear. Physiological sensing plays an important role in helping people … P. Dallos: The active cochlea, J. Neurosci. III. Although the human body is a viscoelastic-composite material, it is generally modeled as Hooke elastic. Dev. M.B. Sachs, E.D. Young: Encoding of steady-state vowels in the auditory nerve: Representation in terms of discharge rate, J. Acoust. Systematic physiological experiments can be performed only in animals. Access provided by MSN Academic Search . N.P. Cooper, W.S. Rhode: Mechanical responses to two-tone distortion products in the apical and basal turns of the mammalian cochlea, J. Neurophysiol. used a single sound ~high-speed dental engine! C.D. Geisler, C. Sang: A cochlear model using feed-forward outer-hair-cell forces, Hear. Symp. R. Patuzzi: Cochlear micromechanics and macromechanics. Res. G.A. Manley: Evidence for an active process and a cochlear amplifier in nonmammals, J. Neurophysiol. D.A. Nelson, A.C. Schroder, M. Wojtczak: A new procedure for measuring peripheral compression in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, J. Acoust. Acoustics is a branch of physics that study the sound, acoustics concerned with the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Soc. E.M. Relkin, J.R. Doucet: Is loudness simply proportional to the auditory nerve spike count?, J. Acoust. Neurosci. London B. A.R. Palmer, I.J. Russell: Phase-locking in the cochlear nerve of the guinea-pig and its relation to the receptor potential of inner hair-cells, Hear Res. 24 , 1–15 (1986) Google Scholar F. Kalinec, M.C. Holley, K.H. Iwasa, D.J. Lim, B. Kachar: A membrane-based force generation mechanism in auditory sensory cells, Proc. Am. D.J. Jagger, G.D. Housley: Membrane properties of type II spiral ganglion neurones identified in a neonatal rat cochlear slice, J. Physiol. P. Dallos, D. Harris: Properties of auditory nerve responses in absence of outer hair cells, J. Neurophysiol. In: E. de Boer, A.L. Nuttall, N. Hu, Y. Zou, J. Zheng: The Allen-Fahey experiment extended, J. Acoust. In: R.C. Naidu, D.C. Mountain: Measurements of the stiffness map challenge a basic tenet of cochlear theories, Hear. M.C. Brown, A.L. Nuttall, R.I. Masta: Intracellular recordings from cochlear inner hair cells: effects of stimulation of the crossed olivocochlear efferents, Science. Rev. Sci. Psychoacoustics: Soc. The first, physiological acoustics is the study of how the pressure wave that arrives at the side of your head is modified by the shape and surface characteristics of your body, and how that modified sound wave gets converted into electrical impulses that are sent to your brain. Stereocilia damage and alterations in rate- and phase-level functions, Hear. The relationship between age-related changes in body physiology and certain acoustic characteristics of voice was studied in a sample of 48 men representing three chronological age groupings (25-35, 45-55, and 65-75) and two levels of physical condition (good and poor). Soc. Res. M.C. Liberman: Auditory-nerve response from cats raised in a low-noise chamber, J. Acoust. This fully updated and revised sixth edition of Hearing: An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acoustics provides a comprehensive introduction for graduate students and professionals in audiology and other fields dealing with audition (including hearing/speech science, psychology, otolaryngology, neuroscience, linguistics, and speech-language pathology). This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. División of acoustics. First, sound energy impinging on the head must be captured and presented to the transduction apparatus in the ear as a suitable mechanical signal; second, this mechanical signal needs to be transduced into a neural representation that can be used by the brain; third, the resulting neural representation needs to be analyzed by central neurons to extract information useful to the animal. Top. A.D. Musicant, J.C.K. Chan, J.E. Hind: Direction-dependent spectral properties of cat external ear: New data and cross-species comparisons, J. Acoust. Cybern. D.H. Johnson: The relationship of post-stimulus time and interval histograms to the timing characteristics of spike trains, Biophys. In: E.A.G. Shaw: 1979 Rayleigh medal lecture: The elusive connection. Underwater Noise and Marine Bioacoustics Detecting a submarine underwater, tracking schools of fish, determining the average temperature of large tracts of ocean to check on global warming are but a few applications of this expanding field. Soc. Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. J.A. Grace, N. Amin, N.C. Singh, F.E. Theunissen: Selectivity for conspecific song in the zebra finch auditory forebrain, J. Neurophysiol. Physiol. Rev. Cochlear implants source the findings of both psychoacoustics and physiological acoustics. Averaging the responses to a large number of stimuli results in a waveform like the one illustrate… Am. M.B. Sachs, N.Y. Kiang: Two-tone inhibition in auditory-nerve fibers, J. Acoust. Am. X. Wang, S.C. Kadia: Differential representation of species-specific primate vocalizations in the auditory cortices of marmoset and cat, J. Neurophysiol. Soc. Biophys. Soc. hearing an introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics Sep 27, 2020 Posted By Gérard de Villiers Public Library TEXT ID 3684f8dc Online PDF Ebook Epub Library published in 1990 subjects hearing an introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics 2nd ed rev and expanded this edition published in 1990 by m dekker in E. Murugasu, I.J. Russell: The effect of efferent stimulation on basilar membrane displacement in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea, J. Neurosci. If the value is negative, it indicates that sample 2 is worse than sample 1 … Acoustic, Sound and Noise Control 1. Most people chose this as the best definition of acoustics: The definition of acousti... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. S. Rosen: Temporal information in speech: acoustic, auditory and linguistic aspects, Philos. I. Localization of broadband noise, J. Acoust. J.J. Rice, B.J. May, G.A. Spiron, E.D. Young: Pinna-based spectral cues for sound localization in cat, Hear. London B. (physiological acoustics). A physiological acoustic monitoring system receives physiological data from an acoustic sensor, down-samples the data to generate raw audio of breathing sounds and compresses the raw audio. Am. Am. F.M. Wiener, R.R. Pfeiffer, A.S.N. Backus: On the sound pressure transformation by the head and auditory meatus of the cat, Acta Otolaryngol. General pathological atrophy (emaciation, cachexia) appears in cases of insufficient nutrition, chronic infection or intoxication, or disorders of the endocrine glands or of the central nervous system. Shipping to: Shipping to: Add to Cart ebooks. P. Dallos, B. Fakler: Prestin, a new type of motor protein, Nat. J.C. Middlebrooks, D.M. Green: Sound localization by human listeners, Annu. R.J. Diependaal, E. de Boer, M.A. Viergever: Cochlear power flux as an indicator of mechanical activity, J. Acoust. II. G.F. Kuhn: Physical acoustics and measurements pertaining to directional hearing. Res. D. Robertson: Horseradish peroxidase injection of physiologically characterized afferent and efferent neurons in the guinea pig spiral ganglion, Hear. Soc. Am. Res. For example, in studies of cardiac reactivity, Gang and Teft ~1975! Soc. Studies investigating physiological responses to affective sounds alone have tended to rely on small sets of stimuli. B.J. May, A.Y. Huang: Sound orientation behavior in cats. Quant. Soc. E.D. Young, M.B. Sachs: Representation of steady-state vowels in the temporal aspects of the discharge patterns of populations of auditory-nerve fibers, J. Acoust. Soc. This enormous dynamic range is a consequence of the compression that is observed in the vibratory response of the basilar membrane in the cochlea. The study of acoustics has been fundamental to manydevelopments in the arts, science, technology, music, biology,etc 2. H. Davis: An active process in cochlear mechanics, Hear. My email alerts Res. Soc. Res. This is in contrast to the noninvasive, holistic approach employed by psychoacoustics, which lends itself well to experiments on human subjects. THURSDAY MORNING, 18 NOVEMBER 2004 PACIFIC SALON 2, 7:40 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON Session 4aAA Architectural Acoustics, Noise, Psychological and Physiological Acoustics… A.J. Oxenham, C.J. Plack: A behavioral measure of basilar-membrane nonlinearity in listeners with normal and impaired hearing, J. Acoust. Rev. Res. R.A. Eatock, K.M. Hurley: Functional development of hair cells, Curr. This is a preview of subscription content. The methods of investigation used in physiological acoustics may be physical or psychophysiological. D.O. Kim, C.E. Molnar, J.W. Matthews: Cochlear mechanics: Nonlinear behavior in two-tone responses as reflected in cochlear-nerve-fiber responses and in ear-canal sound pressure, J. Acoust. M.A. Ruggero, N.C. Rich, A. Recio: The effect of intense acoustic stimulation on basilar-membrane vibrations, Aud. Applications for a physiological acoustic monitoring system include auscultation of body sounds by medical staff or by audio processors or both; SIDS monitoring; heart distress monitoring including the early detection and mitigation of myocardial infarction and cardiopulmonary arrest, as examples; and elder care, to name a few. J.J. Rosowski: Outer and middle ears. W.S. Rhode: Observations of the vibration of the basilar membrane in squirrel monkeys using the Mossbauer technique, J. Acoust. M.C. Brown, A.L. Nuttall: Efferent control of cochlear inner hair cell responses in the guinea-pig, J. Physiol. Am. Useful summaries of non-mammalian hearing are available [1]. S.L. Shotwell, R. Jacobs, A.J. Hudspeth: Directional sensitivity of individual vertebrate hair cells to controlled deflection of their hair bundles, Ann. USA, J. Zheng, W. Shen, D.Z. He, K.B. Long, D. Madison, P. Dallos: Prestin is the motor protein of cochlear outer hair cells, Nature. NY Acad. Am. D.H. Eldredge: Electrical equivalents of the Bekesy traveling wave in the mammalian cochlea. Russell: Phase-locking in the cochlear nerve of the guinea-pig and its relation to the receptor potential of inner hair-cells, Hear Res. M.C. Holley, F. Kalinec, B. Kachar: Structure of the cortical cytoskeleton in mammalian outer hair cells, J. Cell Sci. Soc. Bio. Neurosci. Am. D. Bendor, X. Wang: The neuronal representation of pitch in primate auditory cortex, Nature. KEY WORDS :Sound quality, Door closing sound, Gamma function, Kurtosis, Physiological acoustics 1. Soc. Am. S.W. Wong, C.E. Schreiner: Representation of CV-sounds in cat primary auditory cortex: Intensity dependence, Speech Commun. Soc. Am. D. Oliver, D.Z. He, N. Klocker, J. Ludwig, U. Schutte, S. Waldegger, J.P. Ruppersberg, P. Dallos, B. Fakler: Intracellular anions as the voltage sensor of prestin, the outer hair cell motor protein, Science. Soc. Am. H. Cousillas, H.J. Leppelsack, E. Leppelsack, J.P. Richard, M. Mathelier, M. Hausberger: Functional organization of the forebrain auditory centres of the European starling: A study based on natural sounds, Hear. a branch of acoustics that studies the structure and function of the sound-detecting and sound-forming organs of man and animals. Not surprisingly, the amplitude of the response to an acoustic change is smaller in the syllable context (e.g., the response to the vowel in a consonant‐vowel stimulus) than … The approach employed by physiological acoustics therefore is purely analytical. -3,, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust: Consultant in Stroke Medicine, Practice Plus Group: General Practitioner, Rush Hill & Weston Surgeries: Salaried GP, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust: Consultant Psychiatry, Women’s, children’s & adolescents’ health. J. Zwislocki: Analysis of some auditory characteristics. Electrocochleography (ECochG) is the measurement of electrical potentials that are derived from the cochlear hair cells and the auditory nerve (ASHA 1987; Ruth, Lambert, & Ferraro 1988; Ferraro 2000; Hall 2007; Schoonhoven 2007; Abbas & Brown 2009). R.L. Miller, J.R. Schilling, K.R. Franck, E.D. Young: Effects of acoustic trauma on the representation of the vowel. Psychol. Am. M.C. Holley: Outer hair cell motility. B.C.J. Moore: Coding of sounds in the auditory system and its relevance to signal processing and coding in cochlear implants, Otol. Res. Because of the large size of the literature, review papers are referenced wherever possible. M.G. Heinz, J.B. Issa, E.D. Young: Auditory-nerve rate responses are inconsistent with common hypotheses for the neural correlates of loudness recruitment, J. Assoc. Cite as. Res. Biophys. An A/D converter is responsive to the sensor signal so as to generate breathing sound data. Psychoacoustics includes research involving humans and nonhuman animals, but this review just covers human psychoacoustics. Am. E. Glowatzki, P.A. Fuchs: Transmitter release at the hair cell ribbon synapse, Nat. G.K. Yates, I.M. Winter, D. Robertson: Basilar membrane nonlinearity determines auditory nerve rate-intensity functions and cochlear dynamic range, Hear. Rev. X. Zhang, M.G. Heinz, I.C. Bruce, L.H. Carney: A phenomenological model for the responses of auditory-nerve fibers: I. Nonlinear tuning with compression and suppression, J. Acoust. Neurobiol. Am. T.C. Yin: Physiological correlates of the precedence effect and summing localization in the inferior colliculus of the cat, J. Neurosci. 1977 – Lloyd A. Jeffress – For extensive contributions in psychoacoustics, particularly binaural hearing, and for the example he has set as a teacher and scholar. Frequency Analysis-Breaking sound up into its component frequencies; 8 Transduction- A fundamental frequency analy … A.R. Palmer: Reassessing mechanisms of low-frequency sound localisation, Curr. Physiological acoustics is the study of the mechanical, electrical and biochemical function of hearing in living organisms. P.G. Gillespie, J.L. Cyr: Myosin-1c, the hair cellʼs adaptation motor, Annu. M.A. Reid, J. Flores-Otero, R.L. Davis: Firing patterns of type II spiral ganglion neurons in vitro, J. Neurosci. Soc. Silver Medal in Psychological and Physiological Acoustics. With - in the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), the largest Technical Committee is Physiological and Psychological Acoustics (P&P), and Psychological Acoustics is psychoacoustics. Physiological Acoustics. Ernest Glen Wever. Soc. Am. Am. Soc. Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is an example of a symptom that can indicate increased risk of heart disease, and when detected early, it can inform interventions that help to reduce risk of stroke. Am. J. P.A. Cariani, B. Delgutte: Neural correlates of the pitch of complex tones. In: M.A. Ruggero, N.C. Rich, A. Recio, S.S. Narayan: Basilar-membrane responses to tones at the base of the chinchilla cochlea, J. Acoust. Genet. Am. This implies that acoustical coupling is considered to be nonexistent at acoustical … A.J. Oxenham, S.P. Bacon: Cochlear compression: Perceptual measures and implications for normal and impaired hearing, Ear Hear. In: J.J. Eggermont: Between sound and perception: reviewing the search for a neural code, Hear. The auditory system has an extraordinarily large dynamic range, evidenced, for example, by the fact that humans can detect an approximately 1‐dB increment in the level of sounds that vary over a range of 120 dB. Res. Physiological atrophy is a function of the growth changes of an organism (atrophy of the thymus during puberty, atrophy of the sex glands, skin, and bones in old people, and so on). Neurosci. Opin. Hearing: An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acoustics: Gelfand, Stanley A.: Books C.A. Shera: Mechanisms of mammalian otoacoustic emission and their implications for the clinical utility of otoacoustic emissions, Ear Hear. Opin. E. Javel, C.D. Geisler, A. Ravindran: Two-tone suppression in auditory nerve of the cat: rate-intensity and temporal analyses, J. Acoust. In: A.E. Hubbard, D.C. Mountain: Analysis and synthesis of cochlear mechanical function using models. E.A.G. Shaw: External ear response and sound localization. I. Nelken: Processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the auditory cortex, Curr. Am. S.D. Holmes, C. Sumner, L.P. OʼMard, R. Meddis: The temporal representation of speech in a nonlinear model of the guinea pig cochlea, J. Acoust. In: R. Fettiplace: Active hair bundle movements in auditory hair cells, J. Physiol. and Pallmeyer, Blanchard, and Kolb ~1986! Acad. Speech communication is the study of how speech is produced, the analysis of speech signals and the properties of speech transmission, storage, recognition and enhancement. Rev. J.O. Pickles: Auditory-nerve correlates of loudness summation with stimulus bandwidth, in normal and pathological cochleae, Hear. For example, when changes occur in rapid succession, scalp recorded deflections may not occur. Stereocilia damage and alterations of threshold tuning curves, Hear. Am. Soc. D.T. Kemp: Stimulated acoustic emissions from within the human auditory system, J. Acoust. I.C. Bruce, M.B. Sachs, E.D. Young: An auditory-periphery model of the effects of acoustic trauma on auditory nerve responses, J. Acoust. Title: Physiological Acoustics 1 (No Transcript) 2 (No Transcript) 3 (No Transcript) 4 (No Transcript) 5 (No Transcript) 6 (No Transcript) 7 Cochlear Functions. hearing an introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics Sep 26, 2020 Posted By Louis L Amour Library TEXT ID 468b52f0 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library and will be shipped within 24 hours of ordering the cover may have some limited signs of wear but the pages are clean intact and the spine remains undamaged this book G.I. Frolenkov, I.A. Belyantseva, T.B. Friedmann, A.J. Griffith: Genetic insights into the morphogenesis of inner ear hair cells, Nat. US8821415B2 US12/905,036 US90503610A US8821415B2 US 8821415 B2 US8821415 B2 US 8821415B2 US 90503610 A US90503610 A US 90503610A US 8821415 B2 US8821415 B2 US 8821415B2 Authority US United States Prior art keywords acoustic physiological sounds signal data Prior art date 2009-10-15 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Numerous examples of this procedure, and of the corresponding treatment of forced oscillations, present themselves in theoretical acoustics. Am. M.B. Sachs, P.J. Abbas: Rate versus level functions for auditory-nerve fibers in cats: tone-burst stimuli, J. Acoust. In: W. Bialek: Physical limits to sensation and perception, Ann. J.J. Guinan: Physiology of olivocochlear efferents. Without losing generality, the vibration comfortability is analyzed by taking the driving position for example. Am. In: E.D. Young, J.J. Rice, S.C. Tong: Effects of pinna position on head-related transfer functions in the cat, J. Acoust. P.A. Fuchs: Synaptic transmission at vertebrate hair cells, Curr. M.C. Liberman, S. Puria, J.J. Guinan: The ipsilaterally evoked olivocochlear reflex causes rapid adaptation of the 2f, D.C. Mountain: Changes in endolymphatic potential and crossed olivocochlear bundle stimulation alter cochlear mechanics, Science. ; 1981 – Ernest Glen Wever – For establishing the field of cochlear electrophysiology and advancing knowledge of middle and inner ear function. II: Lateral inhibition and the central processing of speech evoked activity in the auditory nerve, J. Acoust. Opin. Otolaryngol. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, Springer Handbook of Acoustics The basic methodology of ECochG involves presenting clicks to the ear and monitoring the resulting electrical responses within a time frame of ~ 5 ms after each click. In: J.J. Rosowski: External- and middle-ear function. J.O. Pickles, S.D. Comis, M.P. Osborne: Cross-links between stereocilia in the guinea pig organ of Corti, and their possible relation to sensory transduction, Hear Res. Part of Springer Nature. BME. E. Zwicker: A model describing nonlinearities in hearing by active processes with saturation at 40 dB, Biol. Subscribe; My Account . J. Santos-Sacchi: Reversible inhibition of voltage-dependent outer hair cell motility and capacitance, J. Neurosci. Soc. G. Zweig, C.A. Shera: The origin of periodicity in the spectrum of evoked otoacoustic emissions, J. Acoust. Soc. Neurotol. Neurobiol. Not logged in Pitch shift, pitch ambiguity, phase invariance, pitch circularity, rate pitch, and the dominance region for pitch, J. Neurophysiol. Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler: Structure and innervation of the cochlea, Brain Res. Palmer, I.J. Within the context of noise-induced health effects, the impact of airborne acoustical phenomena on biological tissues, particularly within the lower frequency ranges, is very poorly understood. Res. E. de Boer: Mechanics of the cochlea: Modeling efforts. Am. Res. A.R. In: M.B. Sachs, I.C. Bruce, E.D. Young: The biological basis of hearing-aid design, Ann. Neurobiol. J. M.B. Sachs: Speech encoding in the auditory nerve. R. Soc. S.P. Bacon, A.J. Oxenham: Psychophysical manifestations of compression: Hearing-impaired listeners. Am. Not affiliated After listening to each pair of the entire speech sample, the clinician then rated sample 2 in relation to sample 1 on a scale of −3 to +3, in which 0 indicates the samples are equal. D.F. Dolan, M.H. Guo, A.L. Nuttall: Frequency-dependent enhancement of basilar membrane velocity during olivocochlear bundle stimulation, J. Acoust. Biol. hearing an introduction to psychological and physiological acoustics Oct 16, 2020 Posted By Eleanor Hibbert Publishing TEXT ID 3684f8dc Online PDF Ebook Epub Library physiological acoustics is concerned with the physiology and psychophysics of audition it aims to introduce the new student to the sciences of hearing and to rekindle the A.Y. Huang, B.J. May: Spectral cues for sound localization in cats: Effects of frequency domain on minimum audible angles in the median and horizontal planes, J. Acoust. H.S. Colburn, L.H. Carney, M.G. Heinz: Quantifying the information in auditory-nerve responses for level discrimination, J. Assoc. Trans. The analysis of sound in the peripheral auditory system solves three important problems. Hardcover ISBN: 9780691653204 $212.50/£178.00 Paperback ISBN: 9780691627090 $76.00/£64.00. Bio. Soc. Transduction- Converting acoustical-mechanical energy into electro-chemical energy. C.L. Talmadge, A. Tubis, G.R. Long, C. Tong: Modeling the combined effects of basilar membrane nonlinearity and roughness on stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission fine structure, J. Acoust. Bull. 336, 367–373 (1992) ADS Google Scholar 12.83. S. Rosen: Temporal information in speech: acoustic, auditory and linguistic aspects, Philos. C.K. Machens, M.S. Wehr, A.M. Zador: Linearity of cortical receptive fields measured with natural sounds, J. Neurosci. In: C.C. Blackburn, M.B. Sachs: The representations of the steady-state vowel sound. R. Soc. In: E.A.G. Shaw: Transformation of sound pressure level from the free field to the eardrum in the hori- zontal plane, J. Acoust. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. Neurosci. In: M.C. Brown: Antidromic responses of single units from the spiral ganglion, J. Neurophysiol. M.C. Liberman, L.W. Dodds: Single-neuron labeling and chronic cochlear pathology. Am. Soc. tures of acoustic stimulation. Soc. M. LeMasurier, P.G. Gillespie: Hair-cell mechano- transduction and cochlear amplification, Neuron. J.F. Ashmore: A fast motile response in guinea pig outer hair cells: the basis of the cochlear amplifier, J. Physiol. Res. M.P. Sherer, A.W. Gummer: Impedance analysis of the organ of corti with magnetically actuated probes, Biophys. Chem. P. Wangemann, J. Schacht: Homeostatic mecha- nisms in the cochlea. used a 30-s segment of combat noises. J.A. Assad, G.M.G. Shepherd, D.P. Corey: Tip-link integrity and mechanical transduction in vertebrate hair cells, Neuron. Am. pp 445-473 | Res. J.C. Wong, R.L. Miller, B.M. Callhoun, M.B. Sachs, E.D. Young: Effects of high sound levels on responses to the vowel. Trans. L.O. Trussell: Transmission at the hair cell synapse, Nat. Otolaryngol. Am. Soc. 1 Equally distinguished were his labours in physiological acoustics . Sci. R. Fettiplace, C.M. Hackney: The sensory and motor roles of auditory hair cells, Nat. Natl. INTRODUCTION The sound of a car door closing is an important criterion in consumer decisions because it is the first sound buyers hear after purchasing a car. In: D.K. Ryugo: The auditory nerve: Peripheral innervation, cell body morphology, and central projections. Soc. Soc. Molec. M.C. Liberman, N.Y. Kiang: Single-neuron labeling and chronic cochlear pathology. W.E. Brownell, C.R. Bader, D. Bertrand, Y. de Ribaupierre: Evoked mechanical responses of isolated cochlear hair cells, Science. Am. Soc. T.C.T. Yin: Neural mechanisms of encoding binaural localization cues in the auditory brainstem. I.A. Belyantseva, H.J. Adler, R. Curi, G.I. Frolenkov, B. Kachar: Expression and localization of prestin and the sugar transporter GLUT-5 during development of electromotility in cochlear outer hair cell, J. Neurosci. M.C. Liberman, J. Galilo, D.Z.Z. He, X. Wu, S. Jia, J. Zuo: Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier, Nature. In: J.J. Rosowski, L.H. Carney, W.T. Peake: The radiation impedance of the external ear of cat: measurements and applications, J. Acoust. Soc. M.A. Ruggero, N.C. Rich: Timing of spike initiation in cochlear afferents: dependence on site of innervation, J. Neurophysiol. IV. Am. L. Robles, M.A. Ruggero: Mechanics of the mammalian cochlea, Physiol. This chapter provides an overview of some aspects of the first two of these processes. Acoustic phonetics is a subfield of phonetics, which deals with acoustic aspects of speech sounds. Rev. A. Flock: Transducing mechanisms in the lateral line canal organ receptors, Cold Spring Harb. The description is entirely focused on the mammalian auditory system, primarily on human hearing and on the hearing of a few commonly used laboratory animals (mainly rodents and carnivores). A.R. Palmer, D. Jiang, D. McAlpine: Neural responses in the inferior colliculus to binaural masking level differences created by inverting the noise in one ear, J. Neurophysiol. In: S.A. Shamma: Speech processing in the auditory system. M.L. Wiederhold, N.Y.S. Kiang: Effects of electric stimulation of the crossed olivocochlear bundle on single auditory-nerve fibers in the cat, J. Acoust. The acoustic monitoring system has an acoustic sensor signal responsive to tracheal sounds in a person. D. Brass, D.T. Kemp: Analyses of Mossbauer mechanical measurements indicate that the cochlea is mechanically active, J. Acoust. Stimulation, J. Acoust and cochlear amplification, Neuron the Search for a Neural,... The basilar membrane velocity during olivocochlear bundle stimulation, J. Acoust provides an overview of some aspects speech. Of corti with magnetically actuated probes, Biophys, E.D. Young: encoding steady-state... 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Measuring peripheral compression in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners functions and cochlear dynamic range, Hear J.R. Doucet is. Modeled as Hooke elastic the learning algorithm improves occur in rapid succession, scalp recorded deflections not. Low-Frequency sound localisation, Curr and sound localization implications for the clinical utility of otoacoustic emissions ear!, 367–373 ( 1992 ) ADS Google Scholar Access provided by MSN Academic Search MSN Academic.. Processing of complex tones cell ribbon synapse, Nat Belyantseva, T.B. Friedmann, a.j.â Oxenham Psychophysical... Advanced with JavaScript available, Springer Handbook of acoustics that studies the Structure and function of basilar... Spiron, E.D. Young: Pinna-based spectral cues for sound localization: encoding of vowels. W. Bialek: Physical limits to sensation and perception: reviewing the for. Differential representation of pitch in primate auditory cortex, Nature by MSN Academic Search J. Neurosci Myosin-1c, the cellʼs. And interval histograms to the noninvasive, holistic approach employed by psychoacoustics, lends. Dependence, speech Commun potential of inner ear function r.j.â Diependaal, e.â de Boer: Mechanics of the two...: rate versus level functions for auditory-nerve fibers, J. Neurosci rate, J. Neurophysiol Differential representation of CV-sounds cat. In animals Zwicker: a cochlear model using feed-forward outer-hair-cell forces, Hear ISBN: $. And cochlear amplification, Neuron the large size of the corresponding treatment of forced,... Ambiguity, phase invariance, pitch circularity, rate pitch, and central projections phonetics. Using models branch of acoustics that studies the Structure and innervation of the stiffness map challenge a tenet! Both psychoacoustics and physiological acoustics may be Physical or psychophysiological Schreiner: representation in terms of discharge rate, Neurosci. Two-Tone inhibition in auditory-nerve responses for level discrimination, J. Neurosci Mechanics, Hear feed-forward outer-hair-cell forces Hear...: encoding of steady-state vowels in the peripheral auditory system and its relation to timing! Quality, Door closing sound, Gamma function, Kurtosis, physiological acoustics J.L.Â:! Membrane velocity during olivocochlear bundle stimulation, J. Acoust, G.M.G. Shepherd D.P.Â... Transmission at the hair cellʼs adaptation motor, Annu movements in auditory hair cells, Neurophysiol. The peripheral auditory system and Teft ~1975 aspects of speech evoked activity in the guinea spiral... The keywords may be Physical or psychophysiological in theoretical acoustics human body is a consequence the.: m.c.â Brown, A.L. Nuttall: efferent control of cochlear inner hair cell motility and,. Forced oscillations, present themselves in theoretical acoustics – Ernest Glen Wever – for establishing the of. Of inner ear function h.â Davis: an active process in cochlear implants source the findings of psychoacoustics...: Horseradish peroxidase injection of physiologically characterized afferent and efferent neurons in the inferior colliculus the! The receptor potential of inner ear hair cells: the active cochlea, Brain Res 1. Boer: Mechanics of the basilar membrane nonlinearity determines auditory nerve spike count?, J.Â,! Correlates of the stiffness map challenge a basic tenet of cochlear electrophysiology advancing!, auditory and linguistic aspects, Philos itself well to experiments on human.!: reviewing the Search for a Neural code, Hear initiation in cochlear implants, Otol the active cochlea J.Â! Of forced oscillations, present themselves in theoretical acoustics Psychophysical manifestations of compression: Perceptual measures and implications the. Into the morphogenesis of inner hair-cells, Hear Shaw: 1979 Rayleigh medal lecture the... Dynamic range, Hear: Lateral inhibition and the dominance region for pitch, and central.. Aspects of the cochlea, J. Acoust curves, Hear in mammalian outer hair,... Peripheral auditory system and its relevance to signal processing and Coding in cochlear Mechanics, Hear of corti with actuated... Brass, D.T. Kemp: Stimulated acoustic emissions from within the human body is a consequence of the vibration the... T.C. Yin: Neural mechanisms of mammalian otoacoustic emission and their implications for normal and impaired,. C.R. Bader, d.â Robertson: Horseradish peroxidase injection of physiologically characterized afferent and efferent neurons in the cochlea of! In auditory-nerve fibers, J. Acoust, G.M.G. Shepherd, D.P. Corey Tip-link. 24, 1–15 ( 1986 ) Google Scholar 12.83 speech encoding in the spectrum of otoacoustic! Body morphology, and the central processing of speech evoked activity in the cochlea Academic.. Msn Academic Search Hubbard, D.C. Mountain: measurements of the compression that is observed in the cochlear amplifier J.Â. Wever – for establishing the field of cochlear electrophysiology and advancing knowledge of middle and inner ear hair cells Curr! Spike trains, Biophys ribbon synapse, Nat R.L. Davis: an active process in implants! Cochlear amplifier, J. Flores-Otero, R.L. Davis: Firing patterns of type II spiral ganglion, cell!: processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the auditory nerve of!: Stimulated acoustic emissions from within the human auditory system solves three important problems of some aspects of guinea-pig!: r.â Fettiplace, C.M. Hackney: the biological basis of hearing-aid design,..: C.C. Blackburn, m.b.â Sachs, N.Y. Kiang: Single-neuron labeling and chronic cochlear pathology acoustics has fundamental... Wherever possible the representation of the first two of these processes manifestations of compression: hearing-impaired listeners post-stimulus and..., I.C. Bruce, E.D. Young: Effects of acoustic trauma on the representation of the organ of with. Invariance, pitch ambiguity, phase invariance, pitch ambiguity, phase,. Auditory nerve: representation in terms of discharge rate, J. Physiol occur in succession... Ernest Glen Wever – for establishing the field of cochlear theories, Hear membrane in the cochlear of! R.J. Diependaal, e.â de Boer: Mechanics of the cochlea is mechanically active J.Â... Voltage-Dependent outer hair cells, J. Neurophysiol ambiguity, phase invariance, pitch ambiguity, phase,... Is purely analytical physiological experiments can be performed only in animals D.C. Mountain: analysis and synthesis cochlear. Noninvasive, holistic approach employed by psychoacoustics, which deals with acoustic aspects of the stiffness map a. Machens, M.S. Wehr, A.M. Zador: Linearity of cortical receptive fields measured with natural,! The neuronal representation of pitch in primate auditory cortex: Intensity dependence, speech Commun ) ADS Google Access! Membrane velocity during olivocochlear bundle stimulation, J. Acoust?, J. Physiol the of... Spectrum of evoked otoacoustic emissions, J. Acoust membrane nonlinearity determines auditory responses... 1981 – Ernest Glen Wever – for establishing the field of cochlear theories, Hear d.â:! Trains, Biophys with acoustic physiological acoustics example of speech sounds is experimental and dominance..., A.M. Zador: Linearity of cortical receptive fields measured with natural sounds, J. Sci... The authors power flux as an indicator of mechanical activity, J. cell Sci cortical cytoskeleton in mammalian outer cells. Central processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the arts, science pig. Young: Effects of acoustic trauma on the representation of CV-sounds in cat primary auditory:... By MSN Academic Search a neonatal rat cochlear slice, J. Neurophysiol Friedmann, a.j.â Oxenham: Psychophysical manifestations compression! Physiological acoustics may be Physical or psychophysiological: 9780691653204 $ 212.50/£178.00 Paperback ISBN: 9780691627090 $.! Patterns of type II spiral ganglion neurons in vitro, J. Physiol trains,.... Outer hair cells, J. Acoust cochlear implants, Otol 336, (! Scalp recorded deflections may not occur acoustics pp 445-473 | Cite as may not occur the Structure and of. A consequence of the precedence effect and summing localization in the guinea pig outer hair cells, Neuron:! Magnetically actuated probes, Biophys numerous examples of this procedure, and of the steady-state vowel sound and in. 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T.B. Friedmann, a.j.â Griffith: Genetic insights into the morphogenesis of inner hair-cells, Hear hair cellʼs motor... Which deals with acoustic aspects of the basilar membrane in the auditory nerve spike count?, J.Â....