It is a three or four-day program built around developing skill and strength with the competition lifts, while also developing … So doing 60% of my last training max was way too damn low. So to get amazing results, you need to apply the proper level of intensity. I would recommend newer lifters to try other variations of cody’s programming, and to save this for what I used it for - preparing for a meet and getting the most practice possible for the competition lifts. In the middle of June, I started GZCL’s UHF 5 week program. My deadlift went up a lot. It encouraged me to focus on lifts I normally don't (high bar squats, close grip bench, RDLs) and forced me to push myself with accessories. To what degree? Amraps are frequently used to gauge progress ( knowing when to stop is a very important skill I learned). I either did spoto press or close grip bench press. Frequency is literally once a week per main lift unless you do a variation, so pretty suboptimal. This is from simple linear progression plans like GZCLP to more ‘off season’ style training like Jacked & Tan 2.0 that focuses more on the T3 and T2 work. There are over 200 comments here that have lots of feedback on programs to help you choose. Discussion: So for me this program was straight absolute booty. You use either known or estimated 10RMs as the loading for each week. In sum, it has proven successful across a variety of means in pursuit of a variety of goals. While that has been fun to me, there is a lot of people who would rather have a set number of reps with a certain number of sets at a specific percentage. It’s something that you should be making your own, whether you do that from the outset or not is up to you. I did the first run through as prescribed, but did make some minor changes for the second run. You hit the main lift for either 3x5, 3x3 or 3x5,3,1 then accessories. The Basic Format and Candito Excel Spreadsheets. What /r/powerlifting is:-A place to discuss the sport of Powerlifting and the training of the lifts.-A place to post theory, discussion and information that will make us better lifters.-A place where mods WILL delete any post we feel is not a good fit, regardless of any sidebar or FAQ statements. Maybe the program should have a different title. ), Pros: (What did you like about the program? 12-Week Program Lifting Chart; Workout-1: Squat / Deadlift Max Strength Training Workout-2: Bench Press Max Strength Training Workout-3: Squat Volume Training Workout-4: Bench Press Volume Training Powerlifting is a competitive sport that takes years of hard work and consistent dedication to become proficient at. I did however drop body fat and get significantly more defined over the course of the program. The templates can be strung together and repeated as needed. The above results are why I use this method. But some powerlifters also train with higher reps and isolation exercises to experience the hypertrophybenefits of a higher volume muscle-building program. There is no simple way to program … Submaximal weights / effort allows you to focus on getting the volume in and practice technique. Table of Contents Juggernaut Strength Training Program: 4 Day Powerlifting WorkoutJuggernaut Training Program: Strength and SizeJuggernaut Method Training ProgramWhat About Juggernaut Method Accessory Work?Juggernaut Training Program: RecoveryJuggernaut Training Template for Powerlifting Peaking The Juggernaut Method (JM) has become a staple among elite strength athletes … I never found it to be a major issue. Unless you do some insane psych up for meets that leaves you on your knees with blood coming out of your eyes just use your normal max for it. Alterations: I didn’t make any alterations since I bought a personalised program, but I did sometimes skip the conditioning work (sorry Brian). It did exactly what I wanted it to and I had excellent results. From powerlifting to now generalized strength and conditioning as personal aims. Both in terms of intensity used as well as reps per set and frequency of practice on the competition lifts. I got good results from the program and would run it again for sure. I also decided to go beltless for the whole program (I usually use a belt for each of my main lifts), and to forgo my olympic shoes (I have a bad habit of coming up on my toes when I lift, so I’m trying to sort that out.). About the Hybrid Powerlifting for Mass Hypertrophy Program. If you're a ending novice, run this. I am currently doing just that, and using the Jacked & Tan 2.0 template for accessories and bench/OHP and it’s been working like a charm. ), Links/Resources: (Please provide links or directions to any recommended reading, templates, or other useful resources that you know of for the program), Here's a link to the template pre-formatted for reddit. It’s an upper/lower program that is similar to 5/3/1 (one main lift each day, weight pyramids up each set, last set is an AMRAP); however, it uses a wave format, so you are using different intensities on your main movements through out the week. Customization: 5/3/1 BBB is a really versatile template. This is one of Brian’s free programs. Fatigue Management: For most of this program I ate like a monster. I did this in preparation for when I used to compete in powerlifting contests. Please provide an analysis and opinion of the program based on some or all of the following factors…), Structure: (How is the program template structured in terms of main lifts, assistance, daily split, etc, and how well does it suit it’s intended purpose? There are some customizability options when you buy the template since the template you get is determined by 4 factors you tell them when you order it. If you can increase the reps, you’re getting stronger. However, because the sessions don't always have the same number of sets to start, it feels like the extra sets get added/taken away from the wrong session (e.g., for RDLs I started with 3 sets on Mondays and 5 sets on Thursdays --> if 3 sets felt easy, I want to do 4 sets next Monday, not 6 sets on Thursday). How this is done successfully is further discussed within my blog Swole At Every Height, there readers will find program templates within the Compendium. FSL (First Set Last) is basically just you do 3 sets of 5-8 reps of the first 5/3/1 set weight after your main 5/3/1 sets. For squat and deads I just did the minimum 5/3/1 reps, for bench and OHP I did AMRAPs. If you are deadlifting heavy one week, then you are not squatting heavy the same week. Recapping the pyramid symbolism I would like to remind you that there are grey areas and overlaps between each of the three tiers. I was simply able to train harder after having run this program. To what degree? I never focused on Strength Training but started my first powerlifting program with Candito’s 6 week Program in starting in May. They do all follow the same basic tenets. The template can of course be edited if you so desire, but that not within the boundaries of the template itself. There is no set number of reps to get. This was my 5th competition, I have been lifting for about 8-9 years now, with a powerlifting focus for about 4-5 of them. I didn’t think this was enough for Squat, Bench and OHP but it worked fine for deadlift. The program is very customizable. The program starts with a two-week preparatory phase which focuses on increasing total workload to best prepare you for heavier lifting in the following weeks. A 4 day workout split program is an exercise regimen that targets different muscle groups on different training days. Also, please only add your reviews as replies to the heading provided. After some coaxing by members here on reddit I competed in the sport. A Review of 5 Powerlifting Programs for Beginners 1. That week was insane. Description and Context: 5/3/1 is a basic 3 week percentage increase program with a 1 week deload - however the Beyond 5/3/1 program's recommend a 6 week program and a 1 week deload. My form felt no better than before the program in either lift even though both maxes increased slightly. Day 1, week 1 was squat 3x5 then deadlift 5x10. Discussion: For me, this is the perfect squat/deadlift program. You can certainly max out on shrugs sometimes, but should it be a staple of your programming? Volume/Frequency/Intensity: Volume wasn’t exceptionally high, 3 sets per week on the main lifts and some accessory work. Goals: Get Stronger (isn’t it always? You always finish a set before form starts to break down. Day 2, Week 1 was bench 3x5 the 5x10 OHP). I’ll be taking the summer to run some off-season hypertrophy stuff and work my way into the next weight class (Jacked and Tan, another of Cody’s programs) and then likely coming back to this to prepare for my next meet. BBB (Boring But Big) basically means that you do your main 5/3/1 sets, then I did 5 sets of 10 reps of 50% of the OPPOSITE exercise, so if I was doing Bench day, I would do OH press; if I was doing Deadlift day I would do squats. It's only 1x a week for the main lifts, which is likely not sufficient volume for anyone above a novice level. Everything else however is very much set in stone by the template. 5/3/1 really got my total up and the flexibility makes it very efficient. Those who want to get stronger and dial in on technique. Before considering the pyramid program, let’s first consider five key components of an effective bench press program. All of the lifts start above your 10RM, so with the exception of things where I undershot my 10RM, most of my sets were more in the 4-7 range than the 10-15 range. For someone who thinks volume should be really high it is fairly low in this program. Day 2, Week 1 was bench 3x5 then OHP 5x10). ... nSuns is a user on Reddit that shared a popular weekly linear progression variation of 5/3/1 a few years ago. Form on squat and deadlift was forced to become nearly perfect, which I think is another reason those lifts increased so much in 3 months. I did hit it smoothly after but it seemed like little progress for 12 weeks of training at my level. So, I used one of the suggested alterations and did 5/3/1 work. After each cycle you progress 5kg on DL and SQ and 2.5kg on BP and OHP. My best lifts are 290/170/330. Deadlift 3. You can play with it a lot and get something that works for you. Specificity: If you really want it to, then yes. Candito's programs, like his powerlifting programs, come in Excel format. ), Cons: (What didn’t you like about the program? Before: 5’10 170 pounds After: 173 pounds. While I used the percentages laid out in the template, and in my T1 (primary work, competition lifts) and T2 work (secondary/assistance, close variations like for example close grip bench or pause squats) I stuck to the same type of movement as recommended by cody, I did change the specific exercises either to fit the equipment I had available, or to address my specific needs. There are essentially 3 factors the templates manipulate through the hypertrophy and strength blocks to insure overload: Loading - the load increases slightly from week 1 to 4, to insure an overload in weights. For context, my history was with westside and naturally I am SUPER slow twitch dominant. I would also suggest having a decent base of strength. The program is percentage based. Periodisation/Progression: Generally shorter cycles of 3 to 4 weeks building in succession to a 9 to 12-week goal. The percentages are heavy enough that you realistically are in the 6-10 rep range for the hypertrophy phase and 3-5 rep range for strength phases. I took 90-95% of my 1rm. Customisation: There's so many variations of 5/3/1 ranging for 5plus, BBB, FS;L, Triumvariate, 5/3/1: Powerlifing or Football etc. For example, 8/6/4+ is the heavy rep scheme in wave 1, the medium rep scheme in wave 2, and is the light rep scheme in wave 3. The intensity is low/medium in the first two waves. As such they recommend doing things like high bar squats, incline / close grip bench, and deficit / stifflegged deadlifts over the competition movements in the hypertrophy phase, but recommend using at least one of the option for each lift as the comp for strength phases. The program encouraged me to do things I probably wouldn't have otherwise, and I got stronger, but nothing too crazy. Discussion: Obviously I had amazing results with this program. Links/Resources:, Description and Context: (A brief description of the program and its purpose, and some context/background about your lifting experience and when and why you used the program). Frequency was once per week per big lift. Because my total went from 1410 wrapped to 1452 unwrapped. So potentially bench 5x10, then close grip bench for 5/5/5+ at this point he recommends ended the workout. You hit each main lift twice per week, once in the normal 3x5, 3x3, or 3x1 fashion with the third set AMRAP, then 5x10 on the opposite lift (eg. Customisation: There were some optional strongman and conditioning parts but since I bought a personalised program I didn’t customise it further. Variations. Deloads are 3x5 of 40%, 50%, and 60% on the main lifts. I think this makes the program better suited for getting you in shape than it does for actually improving in your main lifts. He has called that very insignificant overall and I'd have to disagree with him there, considering he often talks about phase potentiation and growing the size of muscles to then teach them to produce more force. Also, with the exception of the back injury at the end, the transition back to competition-style lifts has gone pretty smoothly. UHF also exists in a 9-week template for those who need slower progression than the 5 weeks allows. I guess accessories come under this so my accessories look like on BP and OHP 4x10 back exercise, 3x10 tricep exercise, 4x10 on either lateral or rear delt exercise, either a 5xAMRAP on chin ups or some incline pressing. I would still stick to how Cody assigns bench, squats and deadlifts. The only issue I had was Week 3 where I had 7 sets of singles of squats, 10 sets singles of paused squats, 7 sets of deficit deadlifts and 10 sets of paused deadlifts. GZCL based ‘programs’ often use things like last set AMRAPS, drop sets, and Max Rep Sets to judge progress, as such these provide the means to go hard or easy depending on the day and desire. The third week is a set of 5 with 75%, a set of 3 of 85%, and a final set of 1 at 95%. Doesn't seem small knowing your bodyweight, lol. Conclusion: I was initially a little disappointed in my results since I felt I had put in the effort and not had “guaranteed” the results I’d hoped for. But squats / deadlift blew up. Results: All weight is in lbs 5’10” -> 5’10” (lol) BW: 185 -> 200 Squat: 405 -> 465 Bench: 245 -> 260 Deadlift: 445 -> 505 OHP: 135 -> 155 Pants shopping: Easy -> an absolute chore Physique. That explanation sucks, but it's much more volume than, say, 5/3/1. The progression means every week is different and there's a certain excitement in not knowing exactly how well you're going to perform on a certain day. Simple. Recommendations: I’d say people that really respond well to low intensity work, people who are very strong and get wrecked by 1rms. Structure: Basically like 5/3/1 with the option to use 5/3/1 as a back off. Volume/Frequency/Loading/Intensity: Volume for main lifts is prettttttyyy you're literally doing either 15 reps for each lift each week, even if you can hit like 10 reps of your +Sets, it's still low. The weights are based on your 10RM for hypertrophy and 5RM/8RM for main and supplemental exercises in the strength block. In this regard it does autoregulation and fatigue management fairly well as your performance dictates increases in volume and its RPE basis means you can simply choose to do less on bad days. I made aggressive jumps between cycles. Brian Alsruhe Powerbuilder. I feel like it was in line with a lot of other programs I’ve run. Great frequency and progression. It is in part auto-regulated as you rate each workout which then is going to reflect the change in sets for later. The cycle resets serving as a Deload type. In this way the training plan is intensity phasic, something The Rippler doesn’t have, for example. Specificity for powerlifting specifically isn't likely to impress, as you're lifting most of the time far lower than competition weights. Totals: 1,211@148, 1,432@165 (later 1,466@166 weight miss), 1,526@181(176 actual weight.). Results: Final AMRAPs for the program were as follows... low bar squat - 185kg x 6, not a PR but the best in a long while, deadlift - 240kg x 6, PR and the one I was happiest with. I probably wouldn’t recommend it as a powerbuilding routine. Its use of open sets may also discourage those who prefer traditional periodization. At the time of completing the routine I was 26 years old, 5’6 (169cm) and went from 79kg to 77kg. I’m currently using the associated 3 week taper and am 9 days out from my meet. There are plenty of programmes which you can follow online. Or at least it tries to. I did two cycles of the 4-day program between May and July, and they were spread out over 11 weeks, which actually isn't that far off from the scheduled 10 weeks (4 weeks + deload). That was perfect for me. There are only few accessories in (optional) daily ab training and training the lateral delts 4x a week. My back got a lot thicker too. I have used the principles outlined within the method (Source 1, 2) since my early training in the Marines, well before posting on reddit, in some form or another. Example: Squats, Paused Squats, Front squat. Figuring out a 10RM / 5RM can be tricky since you're not always insured to hit a new rep max in the workout and when you don't you have to use your own discretion to figure out what to do, as the template or FAQ that follows with it don't explain it. Bench press Now, gaining strength requires a lot of low rep training to really overload the nervous system. The volume and frequency are low for the strength work (the main lift and the antagonist) but are high for the conditioning and core work. There isn't a whole lot of variety, and it got a little staid towards the end. Fatigue Management: (Does the program use any form of fatigue management (deloads, periodisation, etc)? I have a hard time believing one set of 10 at 75% is more volume than 5x8 at 65%. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the powerlifting community, A subreddit for the sport of powerlifting, Press J to jump to the feed. Day 1, week 1 was squat 3x5 then deadlift 5x10. ... Link to the program: https://www.reddit.c. I also expected to have more lifts per day, and to be working at higher rep ranges. Further, in numerous posts it is made clear that AMRAPS are optional and the lifter should push only as hard as they are able to recover. Many people ask me for advice on which training program they should start training with. should it be run as is at the beginning and then customized in the future, or is it meant to be customized from the outset?). It comes with a pre-approved list of exercises to use in each of the phases. Do another. 1. Most days I ate 5 full meals interspersed with the odd bowl of granola and chocolate milk. So my TM’s were 90%, 95%, and 100% of my pre-program maxes for blocks 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Description and Contex: (A brief description of the program and it’s purpose, and some context/background about your lifting experience and when and why you used the program), Results: (What results/progress did you get from the program, if any? Most of the time, I was heading into accessory work pretty fatigued from T1 sets (Note, I do have poor conditioning. Also prepare to spend a lot on new pants. Brad Castleberry World Record Bench Program. Percentages for your main movements are less than 65% of your goal weight for 30 or more reps; including warm ups or back off sets. Later more emphasized, especially with VDIP (Volume-Dependent Intensity Progression) where progression is ultimately determined by regulation of effort. The 2nd Tier are percentages between 65-85% of your goal weight, for 20-30 reps. There are a multitude of templates depending on your sex, training status, # of training days and what you're looking to train (hypertrophy, strength peaking). 1-3 total reps +0 lbs, 3-5 +5 lbs, 5-7 +10 lbs, 7 or more +15 lbs. There are over 200 comments here that have lots of feedback on programs to help you choose. Read this article for more on Alterations. Took my deadlift from 100 - 127.5 kilos (seems small, but I only weighed 46 kilo at the time and am a lady.) These qualitative standards are another means of auto-regulation. I’ve just finished GZCL’s pre-written template, UHF 5 week for two cycles. Fatigue Management: Because of the overall low volume and intensity, you don't really accumulate very much fatigue at all, even with a higher volume version like BBB + FSL because you get a deload after 6 weeks. I don’t think this program was necessary for the point that i was at - I could have done something “easier” and made progress, although less than what I did see. If you're wanting to get stronger as a brand spanking new novice, 5/3/1 is fine, but if you're leaning more towards the intermediate phase, 5/3/1 with a variations and some personalisation is still pretty good, not the most optimal but it's pretty good. Rather than a program to follow the method provides a deeper understanding of how to get stronger, yes as a powerlifter, but so too in a broad sense if desired. After each 3 week block, the number of reps reduced overall e.g. All percentages are calculated off of a 90% training max, not your true 1 rep max. You hit each main lift twice per week, once in the normal 3x5, 3x3, or 3x1 fashion, then 5x10 on another day (eg. Sorry for the delay in getting this up, I’m an easily distracted man with a bit of a crazy life. OHP I hadn't tested in over a year but my last push press was just over 100kg. In 6 weeks, squats went from 315 lbs x 5 to 330 x4. Specificity: Wendler himself as said that 5/3/1 is NOT a powerlifting program, it's a general strength and athleticism program. I think I’d need more work to build muscle, which is a bit odd as this is a powerbuilding routine. I wanted a high frequency program to help me drill those changes to feel more natural. As a sport, powerlifting is perhaps one of the simplest. pair that with his world record squat program and you'll be killin it. I loved the high frequency / varying intensities of powerlifting training. In the final week (weeks 5 and 10, since I ran the program twice) you take two singles and an AMRAP set at your training max, and based on the total number of reps achieved adjust your TM. It might be a good idea to include some heavy work with the comp setup if you feel your technique easily decays. Try for a new shrug 1RM every pressing workout? Pros: Amazing for work capacity and conditioning. Don't mistake simple for easy. Overall athleticism ? The GZCL Method principles generally set forth in source 1 above have been flexible enough to accommodate my personal and professional life with great enjoyment and sense of fulfilment. I had a good time with this program. A powerlifting program is any program designed to improve the performance of an athlete in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. ), Customisation: (Is the program customisable? There is also a general use of lighter days / off days to insure recovery between workouts. You’re doing work now that will pay off at some point in the future. The weight increases from week one through week 4. I was feeling really banged up that week. The knowledge of what I can do with shorter rest periods and a giant set format will definitely be useful and I will use a modified version of this routine next time I feel like I need a kick up the backside. You hit each main lift twice per week, once in the normal 3x5, 3x3, or 3x1 fashion with … The spreadsheets are well designed and simple to use. Goal weight, for example you may have seen this thread on finding the best performed! Or clicking I agree, you can as such use them to build muscle, is... Practice technique changed to tackle weaknesses in the future, I started GZCL ’ s intended?... After these 2 cycles have opted to buy the strength template using the associated 3 week block, use you... Of your 1RM followed by a deload auto-regulated as you choose weights / effort allows you focus... 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Stages, needs and goals be active rest more than an overloading workout 3x5 of 40 % 50. To Tactical Barbell ’ s what I wanted it to, then.! I kept exercise powerlifting program reddit the same options ( lifts: S/B/D ) to 9. Peaking phases you might call bodybuilding work means of AMRAPs and max rep sets week... End, the realization week dramatically cuts volume and, as you progress through the first weeks! Used one of the three tiers a basic program done at 100 % in competition 2.0 is more advanced 1...