What types of financial aid are offered? How much professional development programming is there for graduate students? Tips on How to Answer Retail Interview Questions. Who won't put you to sleep? One of the best ways to find out about a graduate school is to talk to someone who completed the program. Questions To Ask Alumni When Exploring B-School. So, how do you know if the college you are looking at is going to deliver these things? Describe how you managed your time in a class where you had multiple projects at once or where deadlines were frequent. In many cases, some grad school interview questions will be dedicated to exactly that. However, you want to be sure you attend a college that goes above and beyond that. Almost any school can teach you the basics of any course of study. Out of the three alumni, you speak to, ensure at least once studied the same subject(s) you plan on pursuing. When you’re applying to graduate school, what that school could do for you is an important factor. The Difference Between Early Action, Early Decision and Instant Decision. The most important thing is to look for trends among the answers you get. You never know which of your classmates will be able to clue you into your next job. Here are some ideas: What influenced your decision to attend your graduate school? It also must provide the type of environment that will help you to learn and grow as a student and as a person. Career services should help you land a job, but some schools are better than others in this respect. Sometimes, they even visit the campus and talk to students. You can plan where you need to cut back on other activities to make time for school. You want to look for answers such as quality of the lecture halls, campus life, access to resources, and other things that are rooted in education, academics, and the impact on your ability to grow and succeed. There is a lot of information to be considered. A GAPS fair is an event typically hosted by a university’s career center and attended by recruiters for graduate, medical and law schools. Questions or comments? Get pearls of wisdom to help you start off on the right foot. Do the program, the graduate school, and the university focus on mentoring for student success? If they say they would attend again – they will speak highly of the school and you will be able to tell that they enjoyed their time there. How robust is the communication between the graduate school and students (e.g., newsletters, social media)? Consider not just the immediate but long-term financial implications of graduate school. So, how do you know if the college you are looking at is going to deliver these things? Is an MBA Worth the Costs and Benefits of Earning One? Were the available class times conducive to your schedule? The second part of this question is just as important. On the other hand, if the conversation once again turns negative, that is a red flag that needs to be explored. Ask follow-up questions related to recommended professional development and continuing education activities. Whose Fault is it if a Child is Failing in School. Kyle Grappone is an educational coach helping students prepare for the next steps in life. Suggested Questions to Ask When Visiting Graduate Schools Basic Questions. Notice the emotion and passion when they answer this question. Be sure to document these answers so you can refer to them later. Once they make that connection, business school experts suggest they ask alumni four questions that can help soon-to-be MBAs get through school and … To what extent do assignments prepare you for exams? Again, it is important to understand every aspect of this school before making this crucial decision. For example, several students I have spoken to were not prepared to follow a bus schedule to get to class. What sort of career services were available? What projects or tasks are performed in a typical week in this job? How Accessible are Resources for Minority Students? By asking this question you are getting advice from someone who has already been there. This is where you want to look for trends in the answers you are getting. Speaking to alumni is just one part of the college selection process. How to Make the Most of Your Membership, 5 Questions To Ask When On A College Campus Tour, 5 Questions To Ask Before Making Your College Choice, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, The Pros and Cons of Taking Above-Grade-Level-Courses, The Importance of High School Transcripts, 6 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Class Participation, The Difference Between Semester and Quarter System Schools. If they go on and on about all their favorite things and cannot name anything negative, then that is a great sign. 5 Interview Questions to Ask Recent Graduates. As much as you can, find alumni whose interests and study habits are similar to yours. By using The Balance Careers, you accept our. Business schools will have recruitment fairs and teams dedicated to finding potential employers or internships. As much as you can, find alumni whose interests and study habits are similar to yours. Unless you plan to return to your current employer, you should ask alumni … Yes, you should research the college ahead of time. Again you are looking for two things in the answers you get here. It also helps continue to paint that picture we started in the last question. How much time per week did you spend studying? Here are 5 questions to ask and what types of answers to look for. However, the brochures and website may not tell you all the expenses you'll really encounter. We covered what questions to ask your campus tour guide in an earlier blog post. (Be sure to refer to specific characteristics) Where are recent alumni employed? This lets you prepare ahead of time and ensure that whatever is coming will not distract from your schoolwork and knock you off course. If you are lucky enough to speak to alumni in person be sure to notice the emotion they use when talking about the school. 3 Questions to Ask College Experts About ... learn where students from specific schools go to graduate school, ... students to ask if there are networking opportunities with alumni. It is fine to ask them questions – but remember that they were chosen to be at that tour or open house for a reason. What characteristics are specific to this program and distinguish it from competitors? What criteria are used for choosing recipients? The questions you ask will make a difference and we want to make sure you get all the information you need to make the right decision for your child. This question is important because a student experience can vary depending on what their major was. Question #8: How are Minority Students Treated? For some, learning a bus schedule is no big deal. What was the biggest transitional issue you faced when you started at the college? How was your major related to … What was your favorite and least favorite thing about the school? 3. Did you feel the college prepared you for the workforce and the real world? Not only can they tell you what to expect, but they may also bring up something you never even thought of before. How Should I Prepare to Answer Questions About My Education? This question lets you know if the college offers the opportunity you need to do just that. If you are hearing the same positive or negative things it can help you paint a picture of what it will be like to attend that school. Here are 5 questions to ask and what types of answers to look for. Graduate school is as much about the school work as it is about networking. If the program doesn't prepare you for the job you want, chances are you don't want to go with that program. If they would not attend again – you will learn why and it could be the main reason you decide not to go to that school. Alumni may be able to refer you to other alumni and additional connections within the industry. In the end, the school made sense for them, so find out how they came to the decision to pick this school over all others. Who are the easy ones? Sitting in a 250-seat auditorium may be acceptable your freshman year, but in graduate school, that lack of attention doesn't cut it. ... but they will certainly help you gain insight into your recent graduate job seekers. Additionally, demonstrating your thorough interest in the university is a great way to make you memorable, allowing your enrolment application t… Common Graduate School Interview Questions And Answers. One of the most important steps in your college selection process is taking campus tours and asking questions. These questions should be considered well before you start applying to business schools: There are some graduate school interview questions you should never ask. What characteristics are specific to this program and distinguish it from competitors? But the school is also looking for students who could bring something to the table! If not, that could be a red flag. Who else should I talk to? Can I get a better job with a master’s degree? Networking with your university/school alumni is a great tool for securing jobs and internships. What Is the Best Way to Ask for a Raise via Email? Students also talk about the weather at their school and how different it is from where they grew up. Questions to Ask Alumni. Who are the good professors? It’s up to you and your needs as to whether or not these are disqualifying factors. B-school representatives will be able to shine light on aspects of their campus or curriculum that are outstanding. If you are going away to school, then you are starting a new routine, with new people, in a new environment. What was your major and are you working in that field today? While on a school tour, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, and the answers you'll receive will make or break the school for you. Not only are you going to college to learn, but you are also going to prepare for the next steps in life and start to build a career and life you will enjoy. What are the strengths of this school? Once you’ve established an initial list of prospective programs, don’t forget to ask some “tough questions,” especially in the following three categories, to help identify potential deal breakers. Once they make that connection, business school experts suggest they ask alumni four questions that can help soon-to-be MBAs get through school and excel in a career. Prices rise year after year, so make sure you check the school's official information. Here are some good questions to ask alumni: What is the College’s Personality? If you are not careful then this massive change can overwhelm you and your grades may suffer. When it comes to picking an MBA program, prospective students consult the rankings, pore over the stats, query the consultants, and meet with the adcoms. Out of the three alumni, you speak to, ensure at least once studied the same subject(s) you plan on pursuing. Find out whether they had to go it alone on the job hunt, or if they had good support from the career services department. What kind of credentials, education, training, prior experience are needed? Lastly, examine the quality of these answers. For others, they may prefer to be able to walk to and from class and have complete control over their schedule. The Worst Questions to Ask in a Graduate School Interview. Just like if the worst part of the school is that the football team is in last place or you have to walk up several hills, that is not a good reason to cross it off your list. The Fall semester is well under way, as are Graduate and Professional School (GAPS) Fairs. Yes, you should research the college ahead of time. What influenced your decision to attend your graduate school? Questions to Ask Before Hitting the Rough Road to Grad School by Charlotte Thomas, Career and Education Editor, Peterson’s With all the difficulties that many students face when they go from college to graduate school, it’s a wonder that anyone survives the first semester. MyKlovr is a division of Student Global, LLC. These types of positives should be documented and will come in handy when you are comparing schools. How much personal attention did you receive from faculty members? To get the most out of your discussion, ask good questions. One of the most important steps in your college selection process is taking campus tours and asking questions. Walsh will sometimes put prospective students in touch with advisers who prepare undergrads for grad school. If the graduate responds by telling you that he is not working in his major you may want to dig deeper. The Balance Careers uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. What’s your biggest complaint? Once you find these graduates, you should  ask them specific questions in order to get the information you need and not waste anyone’s time since many will be working professionals. This is a big question. Read more. You can find out everything from which professor to take for your first set of classes, to where to find a parking spot that's almost always empty. On the other hand, you may discover that the school in question does a great job in assisting students in their transition into the workforce. Why Did You Choose This School? Don’t waste the interviewer’s time by asking logistical questions already addressed on the school’s website. You may also learn something interesting specifically about the school. What do most students do after graduation? From job search tips and professional networking to information interviews, alumni can provide critical feedback. The school knows they are going to speak about them in a positive light. What do alumni from your program recommend to you based on their experiences? Welcome to myKlovr! You will get an honest answer and most likely get the reasoning behind it. What’s your most important advice for new students? Learn from the mistakes of others rather than making those mistakes yourself. At the end of it, you will need to choose a college that fits your specific needs and goals. 10 Questions to Ask When Interacting with MBA Alumni September 11, 2020 | By MBA Program Office | Back to blog They can speak to the decision-making process they went through as an MBA applicant, explain the student experience while in their respective programs, and can give insight into how their MBA has accelerated their career. This question is important because a student experience can vary depending on what their major was. Hardin suggests prospective students ask this question to learn more about the academic side of a business school program. It is fine to ask them questions – but remember that they were chosen to be at that tour or open house for a reason. Some degrees are worth the money, but others are not. This is one of the first questions you should be bringing up . Copyright © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) - myKlovr | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | All Rights Reserved. If you could go back in time, would you attend the school again? The important thing is that you know these issues exist ahead of time and can plan for them. Education is an expensive product. This may lead to an important discovery such as finding out the school has a lackluster career center or has no process in setting their graduates up with companies after graduation. He encourages the soon-to-be college students to ask detailed questions about how many people who were once in their shoes actually make it to graduate school. Financial fit: A program’s effect on your wallet. This is also where you will most likely get the most passionate answer from the alumnus. If the degree isn't worth the expense, better to find out before you apply to graduate school than after you've put time, effort, and money into it. Questions to Ask Alumni about Grad School. If you are in a situation where you feel like you can only ask one or two of these questions, be sure to ask this one. After going over the general tips about interviews, here are 15 of the most common grad school interview questions and answers: Tell us about yourself . This will give you insight into how well the school prepared their graduates for the real world. All colleges have a personality, a sort of vibe or culture. Here are six questions to ask yourself when considering if now is the right time for you to pursue an advanced degree. We covered what questions to ask your campus tour guide in an. The work should help you do well on the tests. Are you happy here? Emotion and trends. Some may not be suited to what you’re used to or are looking for in a school. If you wish, you could note these questions down and take them in with you to help jog your memory, but you should avoid reading them out in a way that suggests you’re determined to ask the questions you’ve prepared word for word, regardless of how the rest of the interview has gone, as you could come across as inflexible and it might seem as if you haven’t really been listening. Pay attention to how much time they spend answering both parts of this question. Questions to Ask During a Graduate Admissions Interview . What classes did you find the most helpful? Even if you do all your research and choose the ideal college for your needs and goals, the transition can still be difficult. This gives you an idea of what your time will be like. Contact us. How involved or how useful these departments are, however, varies. Here are a few questions to get you started. This question is another way to ask about the strengths of your academic program and your school, as well as gain insight into the current needs of employers hiring in your field of interest. Graduate School Questions to Ask Graduate School Representatives 1. Most alumni are friendly. It’s important to carefully prepare for the conversations to come. While you are visiting the school, you may meet alumni who went to that school. Who are the ones who help you engage with the material? The school knows they are going to speak about them in a positive light. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. By asking these questions you will have important data points that will help you when it comes time to picking a school. If you work a full-time schedule, you need night and online classes. Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to connect an account. Michael Roberts wrote about government careers for The Balance Careers, has experience in state government, and was a newspaper reporter. If you need to cut back on the course load, find out which classes are best to take when you don't have as many competing for your time. Many of them missed at least one class due to this issue. Did the curriculum prepare you for your next job? 2. Whether you are looking to further your education and career in the field you are already in or you are looking to make a career change, earning a graduate degree can help you take your next steps. This is where you will get the full truth, the good and the bad, about the school you are looking at. What do you wish you would have known your first day of graduate school? Which classes are most helpful? If the best part of the school is the parties or the ice cream, that is not a good enough reason to go there. 1. Surveys have found that at least 70-80 percent of jobs are filled through networking and are not advertised. Even more important, the college you end up at needs to give you the best chance to succeed. When was the last time you tapped your alumni network? It must offer you multiple opportunities to prepare you for your chosen career and the real world that awaits you. Did the college provided them with a great education, valuable internships, and help in finding a job? . Talk to current graduate students in your lab (even better, working with your potential adviser!) For Career Exploration Inquiries. Was your graduate school experience worth the price? Here are some ideas: Dig into what made them choose this particular school. The biggest thing to look out for is whether or not the school is going to help you reach your goals and start your career off in the right direction. Either way, these answers should help you understand if the school you are looking at is worth your time and money. To ensure you are getting the whole story, make sure to reach out to at least 3 alumni via social media or mutual connections. If classes are only offered during the day, that could be a show stopper. This will help you decide if you have the time to invest in your education. If the alumnus had the same priorities you do now, this can provide plenty of insight into the college and their own thought process. Wherever you choose to go, you are dedicating four years and thousands of dollars to that college and in return, you expect a positive and worthwhile experience. How much interaction did you have with other students? Asking detailed questions about the programme can highlight critical differences that may influence your decision in one way or another. Example: "I have been focused on academics for most of my life and will be graduating summa cum laude with a degree in economics and studio art from the University of Texas this spring. This is where you can tell if a student feels passionately one way or another about the school. If certain classes are difficult, you can plan ahead by ensuring you take that class at a time where you function at a high level. Top Teen Job Interview Questions and Best Answers. What do you wish you knew about this school before you enrolled? Again, you should not disqualify a school because someone has something negative to say about it. A demanding professor isn't necessarily a bad thing, but some are unreasonable. This is usually the first question interviewers ask so try to plan ahead for it. Alumni network is one major resource you can use for getting information (through “informational interviews”), passing on resumes, and securing recruiting interviews. They may prove to be highly valuable to i… Tips for Answering Interview Questions About Your Education, Job Outlook and Requirements of Degrees for High-Paying Careers, Internship Opportunities for Students of Color, Top 12 Entry-Level Interview Questions and Best Answers, Tips and Samples for Getting and Giving Recommendations, The 5 Best Online Real Estate Schools of 2020, 12 of the Toughest Interview Questions With Answers, The 6 Best Online Medical Billing and Coding Classes of 2020, Essential Questions to Ask During Teaching Interviews. Where were the gaps? Interviewers ask this question to get a genuine sense of your goals and personality, so personalize your answers and be genuine while remaining professional. What would be the top 5 skills needed to be a top performer in this job? While you are visiting the school, you may meet alumni who went to that school. If the recipient is a recent graduate and the conversation seems to be going well so far, you might consider politely asking if these opinions about their alum mater has impacted them after they’ve graduated from school. Subscribe now to receive tips & advice on college admissions & the latest news about myKlovr. How Should Parents Handle a Bad Report Card? Why did you (tour guide) choose this school? Selecting a college is an important choice with long term implications for your future. To get the most out of your discussion, ask good questions. Talking to people who went to that school is an ideal way to learn about what to expect. What questions do you ask at a Graduate School Fair? Ask about their opinion about how the working environment is - what is the working style of your adviser, what is the average time take for a PhD student to graduate from the lab, and where do most of them land up (as eternal postdocs, or tenure-track faculty positions) Nicole Nicholson. What was your major and are you working in that field today? I have tried to think of some basic questions to ask her, such as how much flexibility is allowed to the students with regard to taking courses, choosing co-advisors, as well as about how the PhD process works, what the most important milestones are and what particular challenges one should be wary of, etc. Maybe a similar program at another graduate school will be better, or perhaps you need to look at an entirely different graduate program. What made them choose this school before you start off on the tests what. Side of a business school program do alumni from your schoolwork and knock you off.. Managed your time and money an entirely different graduate program good and the bad, about programme! Check the school your college selection process is taking campus tours and asking questions them later that.! From class and have complete control over their schedule thing is to talk to current students! 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