At the same time, since population issues like reproduction, migration, and mortality are simultaneously philosophical, political, and empirical matters, students will connect these practical and empirical analyses to political and value debates about the causes and consequences of population change. Instructor(s): D. Borges     Terms Offered: Winter 'Classics of Social and Political Thought' reads classic texts from Plato and Aristotle to Nietzsche and DuBois in order to investigate criteria for understanding and judging political, social, and economic institutions. Themes of slavery, colonization, and the making of the Atlantic world are covered in the first quarter. Islamic Thought and Literature III. of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences, which will fund a new cohort of doctoral students in the social sciences with an interest in education research.This program will be accepting applicants in the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year. Students registered in this sequence must attend the first and second class sessions or their registration will be dropped. Equivalent Course(s): HIST 16101, HIST 36101, ANTH 23101, CRES 16101, LACS 34600, LACS 16100. News . The program in Medicine, the Social Sciences and Humanities (MeSH) at the University of Chicago trains medical students to become innovative physician-scholars at the critical interface of medicine and society.The MeSH program is an opportunity for students interested in obtaining an MD and a PhD in a field outside of the traditional biological and physical sciences. Together these scientists and scholars’ experiences illuminate how the reaction was achieved, and how it remade our world. Note(s): Taking these courses in sequence is not required. In Spring Quarter, students consider contemporary issues and social science approaches to them. through the development and spread of its civilization in the medieval period and into the modern world. Questions considered will include: What is a population? 100 Units. In addition to lectures and secondary background readings, students read and discuss samples of key primary texts, with a view to exploring Islamic civilization in the direct voices of the people who participated in creating it. Students write a short paper (two to three pages) and give an oral presentation reflecting on their internship experience. What is justice? 100 Units. Spring (AB'20) knows this better than most. This course covers the period from ca. - Tom Boellstorff, from Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method 100 Units. *Taught Online for Summer 2021* This is an applied course for social scientists with little-to-no programming experience who wish to harness growing digital and computational resources. Spring Quarter analyzes the way in which selected themes from the first two quarters work themselves out in the history of the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. In recent years, thinkers read in the Spring Quarter have included J.S. Social Science Inquiry: Formal Theory III. Topics to be discussed include the influence of Byzantine, Mongol-Tataric, and Western culture in Russian civilization; forces of change and continuity in political, intellectual and cultural life; the relationship between center and periphery; systems of social and political legitimization; and symbols and practices of collective identity. Equivalent Course(s): CHDV 38102, ANTH 24511, MAPS 34600, ANTH 34502. This lecture-based course provides a broad survey of the history of city planning. They also strive to provide our state-of-the-art core facilities and services through the most cost-efficient means possible. The quarter focuses on topics of contemporary concern, including the human impact on the environment, feminism outside the West, and the rise of global cities. SOSC 13200. These courses must be taken in sequence. *Taught Online for Summer 2021* This is an applied course for social scientists with little-to-no programming experience who wish to harness growing digital and computational resources. Introduction to Russian Civilization III. SOSC 34500. Students will learn how to model strategic situations in the language of mathematics and how to make equilibrium predictions. Self, Culture, and Society III. Equivalent Course(s): RLST 20401, NEHC 20601, MDVL 20601, HIST 25610. The three courses explore different concepts of space; how it is measured, represented, and accounted for in social science methodology; and how spatial problems are solved (spatial reasoning). Students registered in this sequence must attend the first and second class sessions or their registration will be dropped. In Winter Quarter, students tackle questions about the construction of self and society. Europe. 100 Units. Course material will emphasize the experience of the (former) Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, where communism as a system has disappeared most completely, but many of the lessons of transition apply also to China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba. The University of Chicago (UChicago, U of C, or Chicago) is a private research university in Chicago, Illinois.Founded in 1890, its main campus is located in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood. Islamic Thought and Literature I. They take nine graduate courses, selected from all UChicago departments and professional schools and work directly with UChicago facult… Instructor(s): Yanyan Sheng     Terms Offered: Winter 100 Units. Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Winter An overview of the Chicago School can be found in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn These themes vary from year to year. Instructor(s): John MacAloon     Terms Offered: This course was offered Winter 2020 'Classics of Social and Political Thought' reads classic texts from Plato and Aristotle to Nietzsche and DuBois in order to investigate criteria for understanding and judging political, social, and economic institutions. Core Facilities The facilities listed below represent areas of shared technology, laboratory space, instrumentation and expert staff members, all of which support the … Self, Culture, and Society I-II-III. Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Autumn,Spring,Winter While these sequences do not provide a disciplinary training per se, these courses teach students a critical vocabulary to ask foundational questions, such as, What is society? Please contact Kelsey Bogue, CHARISMA program manager, at or 773-702-4401 with any questions. Course meets once in Spring Quarter and once in Autumn Quarter. Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Spring Working closely with a variety of primary sources-from oral legends to film and music, from political treatises to literary masterpieces-we will track the evolution of Russian civilization over the centuries and through radically different political regimes. Computer Science with Social Science Applications 1. This sequence introduces core themes in the formation of culture and society in South Asia from the early modern period until the present. Using the General Social Survey, the National Election Studies, and other surveys, students will gain hands-on experience working with large data sets. Students registered in this sequence must attend the first and second class sessions or their registration will be dropped. SOSC 13320. 100 Units. Aristotle remarked that man is a Zoon Politikon, a political animal, who doesn’t simply live in nature like other animals but in communities of his own making. SOSC 16100-16200-16300. Program (s): Undergraduate Courses. Students registered in this sequence must attend the first and second class sessions or their registration will be dropped. This second course in the sequence covers basic principles of spatial analysis, geographic information science and spatial statistics. Introduction to Russian Civilization I-II-III. Undergraduate Programs. Chicago Neighborhoods. In addition to lectures, students discuss important issues in the readings and participate in music listening exercises in smaller sections. Ms. Flores holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Harris School at UChicago and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Chile. This course is an applied learning experience in which students explore the many dimensions of Chicago neighborhoods, with a particular focus on the built environment and how it impacts - and is impacted by - the social and economic life of the city. Equivalent Course(s): HIST 13900, REES 26011. Note(s): CHDV Distribution: C SOSC 23700. Students will learn how to construct basic period lifetables, how to compare populations and sub-populations using basic standardization techniques, and how to analyze generations and cohorts in context. This sequence meets the general education requirement in civilization studies. 100 Units. In addition, this course provides a gateway to the numerous offerings of quantitative methods courses. Equivalent Course(s): RLST 20402, MDVL 20602, HIST 25615, NEHC 20602. Note(s): Taking these courses in sequence is recommended but not required. These courses must be taken in sequence. This sequence examines such problems as the conflicts between individual interest and common good; between morality, religion, and politics; and between liberty and equality. Undergraduates at the University of Chicago apply to and receive admission from the College . This sequence meets the general education requirement in civilization studies. SOSC 24100. Students receive 025 units of credit at completion of course. Equivalent Course(s): MAPH 34400, ANTH 34501, ANTH 24510, MAPS 34500, CHDV 34501. Mahay J, York E, Lindau ST. Note(s): This sequence meets the general education requirement in civilization studies. Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Spring The Center for Health and the Social Sciences, founded in 2005, continues this legacy through our support of interdisciplinary health research and training initiatives on campus. Core program faculty include: David Meltzer, MD, PhD Program Director Fanny L. Pritzker Professor of Medicine Chief, Section of Hospital Medicine In the Winter Quarter, students will be introduced to social science research tools. Framed to spark robust questioning and uphold an open exchange of ideas, SOSC courses are seminar style classes, which introduce students to foundational works in the social sciences. "Social Science Inquiry" explores classic and contemporary points of view about ways of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about public policy issues. Social Science Inquiry: Spatial Analysis III. Equivalent Course(s): MDVL 20100, HIST 10800, SALC 30100, SALC 20100, ANTH 24101. Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Spring Introduction to Russian Civilization I. The first quarter covers the ninth century to the 1870s; the second quarter continues on through the post-Soviet period. In recent years, thinkers read in the Autumn Quarter have included Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, and Machiavelli. SOSC 22200. Note(s): This sequence meets the general education requirement in civilization studies. 1700 to the present. We study pieces not only from the standpoint of musical style but also through the lenses of politics, intellectual history, economics, gender, cultural studies, and so on. Instructor(s): M. Alam     Terms Offered: Winter SOSC 26100-26200-26300. The focus of the course is on generating reproducible research through the use of programming languages and … Using the skills and tools they've acquired throughout the sequence, students will analyze the relationship of a particular cohort (anchored in a time, place) to social change, with a focus on the empirical, normative, and theoretical stakes, their causes and consequences. In Global Society, students read these statements simultaneously as theoretical treatises, as empirical approaches, and as normative prescriptions for the social world. Instructor(s): Staff     Terms Offered: Winter Global Society III. SOSC 26009. We examine alternative conceptions of society, law, authority, consent, and dissent that underlie continuing controversies in contemporary political life. The pedagogical emphasis is on close reading, discussion, and analytic writing. Overview of Quantitative Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Equivalent Course(s): PPHA 39780, LACS 34800, ANTH 23103, HIST 16103, HIST 36103, CRES 16103, LACS 16300. Paper applications will not be accepted. SOSC 26004. Eboo Patel, PhD, Founder and President, Interfaith Youth Core 100 Units. From the University’s Centers in Paris, Beijing, and Delhi and the Yuen Campus in Hong Kong to program sites worldwide, Chicago students live the life of the mind, one great city at a time. Instructor(s): Yanyan Sheng     Terms Offered: Autumn To what degree can we rely on individual self-control? SOSC 24000. These courses must be taken in sequence. Center for Health and the Social Sciences 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, Mail Code 1005 Chicago, IL 60637 | 773-702-8600 Possible texts include: Graunt, Petty, Malthus, Nehru, Wu Ta-k'un, and contemporary instantiations. Add to Calendar 2020-11-11 18:00:00 2020-11-11 19:30:00 UChicago’s Core: Cultivating a Cornerstone Curriculum The focus of this discussion will be UChicago’s Core Curriculum: it’s current state, its relevance in higher education and at UChicago today. What makes a good society? Analysis includes a consideration of emerging metropolitan regions, the microstructure of local neighborhoods, and the limitations of the past American experience as a way of developing urban policy both in this country and elsewhere. These courses must be taken in sequence. This course reviews competing theories of urban development, especially their ability to explain the changing nature of cities under the impact of advanced industrialism. Equivalent Course(s): HIST 36102, ANTH 23102, CRES 16102, LACS 34700, PPHA 39770, LACS 16200, HIST 16102. SOSC 11400-11500-11600. Modern European and Japanese colonialism in Asia and the Pacific is the theme Instructor(s): Orit Bashkin     Terms Offered: Spring The University of Chicago is ranked among the top universities in … Biological Sciences Core Facilities; Physical Sciences and Engineering Core Facilities ... How to Survive a Plague is an award-winning film story about the inspiring young people who created the most powerful social movement of our time, saving their own lives & millions more. Physical Sciences and Engineering Core Facilities Find information below on core facilities for analysis in the physical sciences or in engineering. This course explores the concept of spatial thinking and how it has been incorporated in research in the social sciences. Note(s): Must be taken for P/F grading; students who fail to complete the course requirements will receive an F on their transcript (no W will be granted). SOSC 12400. With new theoretical and empirical tools from parts 1 & 2 of the sequence, students will engage the empirical, the theoretical, and the normative aspects of defining and evaluating long-run and short-run social change. 100 Units. Power, Identity, and Resistance (SOSC 114-115-116) examines the conception of liberalism by focusing on the structures of political economy, and issues of class and gender inequalities. Indeed, since the 1940s, yearlong sequences designed to introduce students to different types of social scientific data and different forms of social sciences inquiry have become a permanent feature of the Chicago curriculum. Introduction to Russian Civilization II. History of City Planning. “Self, Culture, and Society” introduces students to a broad range of social scientific theories and methodologies that deepen their understanding of basic problems of cultural, social, and historical existence. Anthropology of Museums II. The Social Sciences Core and Civilization Studies sequences offer two teaching opportunities that are open only to University of Chicago PhD students: teaching internships and lectureships. Social Sciences (total: 300 units/3 quarter courses) Within these subject areas, courses vary widely; not everyone has to take the same humanities, social science, language, etc. How do the mind and body relate to each other? Instructor(s): B. Fischer     Terms Offered: Spring 100 Units. 100 Units. An ICES Report: Physical measures in population-based health surveys: Measures and methods. 100 Units. This is a reading and research course for independent study related to BA research and BA paper preparation. SOSC 16100. The sequence is designed to cultivate an understanding of social science research that extends beyond experiences and processes that are particular to Western civilizations. 100 Units. SOSC 22100. The second quarter of Global Society is built around the theme of population and is designed as a hybrid course that brings together a) an intellectual history of population thought and census-taking and b) a practical introduction to basic demographic tools and contemporary debates about population. 100 Units. Together these scientists and scholars’ experiences illuminate how the reaction was achieved, and how it … 100 Units. 100 Units. SOSC 14100-14200-14300. Center for Health and the Social Sciences 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, Mail Code 1005 Chicago, IL 60637 | 773-702-8600 Topics to be discussed include the influence of Byzantine, Mongol-Tataric, and Western culture in Russian civilization; forces of change and continuity in political, intellectual and cultural life; the relationship between center and periphery; systems of social and political legitimization; and symbols and practices of collective identity. 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